A from-scratch rewrite of the Drug-Gene Interaction Database.
First, make sure you have all of the following installed:
Clone and enter the repository:
git clone https://github.com/dgidb/dgidb-v5
cd dgidb-v5
First, you may need to switch your Ruby version with RVM to match the version declared in the first few lines of the Gemfile. For example, to switch to version 3.0.4:
rvm install 3.0.4
rvm 3.0.4
From the repo root, enter the server subdirectory:
cd server
If RVM is properly installed, you should expect to encounter a warning message here:
RVM used your Gemfile for selecting Ruby, it is all fine - Heroku does that too,
you can ignore these warnings with 'rvm rvmrc warning ignore ./Gemfile'.
To ignore the warning for all files run 'rvm rvmrc warning ignore allGemfiles'.
Next, install Rails and other required gems with bundle
bundle install
The server will need a running Postgres instance. Postgres start commands may vary based on your OS and processor type. The following should work on M1 Macs:
pg_ctl -D /opt/homebrew/var/postgres start
# on older macs you may need to use a different path instead, eg "pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start"
Database initialization utilities are in-progress, so for now, the easiest way to get a working database is to manually create it using the psql
command. First, enter the psql console:
psql -d postgres # if you are opening psql for the first time, you'll need to connect to the database 'postgres'
# should produce a prompt like the following:
# psql (14.2)
# Type "help" for help.
# jss009=#
Within the psql console, create the DGIdb database, then quit:
Next, back in the main shell, import a database dump file (ask on Slack if you need the latest file):
psql -d dgidb -f dgidb_dump_20220526.psql # provide path to data dump
That should take a few minutes. Finally, start the Rails server:
rails s
Navigate to localhost:3000/api/graphiql
in your browser. If the example query provided runs successfully, then you're all set.
To perform a data load from scratch, first run the reset
task to provide a clean, seeded DB:
rake db:reset
Most DGIdb data comes from static files, typically called claims.tsv
. The data loader classes expect server/lib/data/
to contain the following files:
├── bader_lab
│ └── claims.tsv
├── cancer_commons
│ └── claims.tsv
├── caris_molecular_intelligence
│ └── claims.tsv
├── cgi
│ └── claims.tsv
├── chembl
│ └── chembl.db
├── clearity_foundation_biomarkers
│ └── claims.tsv
├── clearity_foundation_clinical_trial
│ └── claims.tsv
├── cosmic
│ └── claims.csv
├── dgene
│ └── claims.tsv
├── drugbank
│ └── claims.xml
├── dtc
│ └── claims.csv
├── ensembl
│ └── claims.tsv
├── entrez
│ └── claims.tsv
├── fda
│ └── claims.tsv
├── foundation_one_genes
│ └── claims.tsv
├── go
│ └── targets.tsv
├── guide_to_pharmacology
│ ├── interactions.csv
│ └── targets_and_families.csv
├── hingorani_casas
│ └── claims.tsv
├── hopkins_groom
│ └── claims.tsv
├── human_protein_atlas
│ └── claims.tsv
├── idg
│ ├── claims.json
│ └── claims.tsv
├── msk_impact
│ └── claims.tsv
├── my_cancer_genome
│ └── claims.tsv
├── my_cancer_genome_clinical_trial
│ └── claims.tsv
├── nci
│ ├── claims.tsv
│ └── claims.xml
├── oncokb
│ ├── drug_claim.csv
│ ├── gene_claim.csv
│ ├── gene_claim_aliases.csv
│ ├── interaction_claim.csv
│ ├── interaction_claim_attributes.csv
│ └── interaction_claim_links.csv
├── oncomine
│ └── claims.tsv
├── pharmgkb
│ └── claims.tsv
├── russ_lampel
│ └── claims.tsv
├── talc
│ └── claims.tsv
├── tdg_clinical_trial
│ ├── claims.tsv
├── tempus
│ └── claims.tsv
├── tend
│ └── claims.tsv
└── ttd
└── claims.csv
First, load claims:
rake dgidb:import:all
Then, run grouping. By default, the groupers will expect a normalizer service to be running locally on port 8000; use the THERAPY_HOSTNAME
environment variables to specify alternate hosts:
export THERAPY_HOSTNAME=http://localhost:7999 # no trailing backslash
rake dgidb:group:drugs
export GENE_HOSTNAME=http://localhost:7998 # no trailing backslash
rake dgidb:group:genes
rake dgidb:group:interactions
Finally, normalize remaining metadata:
rake dgidb:normalize:drug_approval_ratings
rake dgidb:normalize:drug_types
rake dgidb:normalize:populate_source_counters
Navigate to the /client directory:
# from dgidb-v5 root
cd client
Install dependencies with yarn:
yarn install
Start the client:
yarn start
Frontend style is enforced by ESLint and Prettier. Conformance is ensured by pre-commit. Before your first commit, run
pre-commit install
In practice, Prettier will do most of the formatting work for you to be in accordance with ESLint. Run the following to autoformat a file:
yarn run prettier --write path/to/file