The main idea for the design of the AcroMonk is to have a portable and robust agile robot with a minimum effort for the modification. A modular design is proposed that uses 3D printing technology for ease of reproducibility. Overall, the structure consists of six unique 3D-printed parts highlighted with different colors that are connected by screw-nut fasteners for easy assembly, with compartments for electronics, a battery, counterweights, and cable guides. The innovative gripper design of the AcroMonk makes him the first brachiator that can brachiate continuously with the passive gripper.
The schematic of the electrical diagram is shown in the following figure and components are described in individual subsections.
All electronics of the AcroMonk are powered by a LiPo battery with the following technical data:
- Capacity:
$6\text{S}\ 1200 \text{ mAh}$ - Voltage:
$22.2\text{V}$ - Continuous Discharge: max.
$30\text{C } (36\text{A})$ - Burst Discharge:max.
$60\text{C } (72\text{A})$ - Power:
$26.64 \text{ WH}$
A Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is used for the onboard computer, providing wireless communication capability.
Mjbots pi3hat is a daughterboard for the Raspberry Pi, and sits on top of it by connecting through the
In order to read IMU data, one can use pi3hat_tools library provided by mjbots.
A qdd100 beta 3 servo is used as an actuator for the AcroMonk. Here are the useful links for documentation and also setting up the mjbots servo motor:
To have the authority to disable the motor in case of the undesired behavior, a remote emergency stop is designed. A relay, diode, and a
Here is the final integration of the AcroMonk.