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This repo contains a terraform module for creating and managing AWS RDS instances


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Terraform module for AWS RDS instances



Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0, < 1.6.0
aws ~> 5.0
random >= 3.1


Name Version
aws ~> 5.0
null n/a
random >= 3.1


Name Source Version
cluster_parameters ./modules/cluster_parameter_group n/a
cw_log_group ./modules/cloudwatch_log_groups n/a
db_cluster_serverless ./modules/rds_aurora n/a
db_instance ./modules/rds_instance n/a
db_multi_az_cluster ./modules/rds_aurora n/a
db_parameter_group ./modules/instance_parameter_group n/a
db_proxy ./modules/rds_proxy n/a
db_subnet_group ./modules/rds_subnet_group n/a
enhanced_monitoring_iam_role ./modules/enhanced_monitoring_role n/a
security_group ./modules/security_group n/a
security_group_proxy ./modules/security_group n/a


Name Type
null_resource.validate_instance_type_proxy resource
random_id.snapshot_identifier resource
aws_iam_account_alias.current data source
aws_rds_engine_version.engine_info data source
aws_ssm_parameter.oidc_provider data source
aws_vpc.selected data source
aws_vpc_peering_connection.kubernetes_access data source
aws_vpc_peering_connections.peering data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_backup_retention Specify additional backup retention.
Valid Values: 30days, 60days, 180days, 1year, 10year
Notes: This set the dfds.backup_retention tag. See recommendations here.
string null no
additional_rds_proxy_security_groups Specify additional security groups to attach by ID to the RDS proxy.
Valid Values: .
Notes: .}
list(string) [] no
additional_rds_security_group_rules Specify additional security group rules for the RDS instance.
Valid Values: .
Notes: Use only for special cases.
ingress_rules = list(any)
ingress_with_self = optional(list(any), [])
egress_rules = optional(list(any), [])
"egress_rules": [],
"ingress_rules": [],
"ingress_with_self": []
additional_rds_security_groups Specify additional security groups to attach by ID to the RDS instance.
Valid Values: .
Notes: .}
list(string) [] no
allocated_storage Specify the allocated storage in gigabytes.
Valid Values: .
Notes: .
number null no
allow_major_version_upgrade Specify whether or not that major version upgrades are allowed.
Valid Values: .
Notes: Changing this parameter does not result in an outage and the change is asynchronously applied as soon as possible"
bool true no
apply_immediately Specifiy whether any database modifications are applied immediately, or during the next maintenance window
Valid Values: .
Notes: apply_immediately can result in a brief downtime as the server reboots. See documentation for more information.
bool false no
auto_minor_version_upgrade Specify whether or not that minor engine upgrades can be applied automatically to the DB instance".
Valid Values: .
Notes: Minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB instance during the maintenance window.
bool true no
automation_initiator_location Specify the URL to the repo of automation script.
Valid Values: URL to repo. Example: ""
Notes: This set the dfds.automation.initiator.location tag. See recommendations here.
string null no
availability_zone Specify the Availability Zone for the RDS instance..
Valid Values:
Notes: Only available for DB instances that do not have multi-AZ enabled.
string null no
ca_cert_identifier Specify the identifier of the CA certificate for the DB instance.
Valid Values: .
Notes: If this variable is omitted, the latest CA certificate will be used.
string null no
cloudwatch_log_group_kms_key_id Specify the ARN of the KMS Key to use when encrypting log data.
Valid Values: .
Notes: .
string null no
cloudwatch_log_group_retention_in_days Specify the retention period in days for the CloudWatch logs.
Valid Values: Number of days
- If omitted, the default value is set to 7 days for production and 1 day for non-production environments.
- If set to 0, logs will be retained indefinitely.
- -1 is an invalid value. It is used to express that the value is omitted and thus enabling the logic to calculate the default value.
number -1 no
cloudwatch_log_group_skip_destroy_on_deletion Specify whether or not to skip the deletion of the CloudWatch log group on deletion.
Valid Values: .
Notes: .
bool false no
cluster_parameters A list of DB parameters (map) to apply list(map(string)) [] no
cluster_use_name_prefix Whether to use name as a prefix for the cluster bool false no
copy_tags_to_snapshot Specifies whether or not to copy all Instance tags to the final snapshot on deletion.
Valid Values: .
Notes: Default value is set to true. Snapshots will be created by the AWS backup job assuming that this resource is properly tagged, see here for more info.
bool false no
cost_centre Provide a cost centre for the resource.
Valid Values: .
Notes: This set the dfds.cost_centre tag. See recommendations here.
string n/a yes
data_classification Specify data classification.
Valid Values: public, private, confidential, restricted
Notes: This set the tag. See recommendations here.
string n/a yes
db_name Specifies The DB name to create.
Valid Values: .
Notes: If omitted, no database is created initially.
string null no
delete_automated_backups Specify whether or not whether to remove automated backups immediately after the DB instance is deleted.
Valid Values: .
Notes: .
bool true no
deletion_protection Specify whether or not to prevent the DB instance from being deleted.
Valid Values: .
Notes: The database can't be deleted when this value is set to true.
bool true no
enable_default_backup Specify whether or not to enable default backup.
Valid Values: .
- This set the dfds.backup tag. See recommendations here.
- If omitted, the default value is set to true for production and false for non-production environments.
bool null no
enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports Specify the list of log types to enable for exporting to CloudWatch logs.
Valid Values: postgresql (PostgreSQL), upgrade (PostgreSQL)
Notes: If omitted, no logs will be exported.
list(string) [] no
engine_version Specify engine version to use.
Valid Values: Specific version number, for example, "15.3" or major version number, for example, "15".
- If this is omitted, the preffered version will be used.
- If major version is specified, the preffered version will be used.
- When using a specific version. The version must be valid. A valid version can be obtained from this documentation
string null no
enhanced_monitoring_interval Specify the interval between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB instance.
Valid Values: 0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 (in seconds)
Notes: Specify 0 to disable collecting Enhanced Monitoring metrics.
number 0 no
environment Specify the staging environment.
Valid Values: "dev", "test", "staging", "uat", "training", "prod".
Notes: The value will set configuration defaults according to DFDS policies.
string n/a yes
final_snapshot_identifier_prefix Specifies the name which is prefixed to the final snapshot on cluster destroy.
Valid Values: .
Notes: .
string "final" no
iam_database_authentication_enabled Set this to true to enable authentication using IAM.
Valid Values: .
Notes: This requires creating mappings between IAM users/roles and database accounts in the RDS instance for this to work properly.
bool false no
identifier Specify the name of the RDS instance to create.
Valid Values: .
Notes: .
string n/a yes
instance_class Specify instance type of the RDS instance.
Valid Values:
Notes: If omitted, the instance type will be set to db.t3.micro.
string null no
instance_is_multi_az Specify if the RDS instance is multi-AZ.
Valid Values: .
- This creates a primary DB instance and a standby DB instance in a different AZ for high availability and data redundancy.
- Standby DB instance doesn't support connections for read workloads.
- If this variable is omitted:
- This value is set to true by default for production environments.
- This value is set to false by default for non-production environments.
bool null no
instance_parameters Specify a list of DB parameters (map) to modify.
Valid Values: Example:
instance_parameters = [{
name = "rds.force_ssl"
value = 1
apply_method = "pending-reboot",
... # Other parameters
Notes: See documentation for more information.
list(map(string)) [] no
instance_terraform_timeouts Specify Terraform resource management timeouts.
Valid Values: .
Notes: Applies to aws_db_instance in particular to permit resource management times. See documentation for more information.
map(string) {} no
iops Specify The amount of provisioned IOPS.
Valid Values: .
Notes: Setting this implies a storage_type of 'io1' or gp3. See notes for limitations regarding this variable for gp3"
number null no
is_cluster [Experiemental Feature] Specify whether or not to deploy the instance as multi-az database cluster.
Valid Values: .
- This feature is currently in beta and is subject to change.
- It creates a DB cluster with a primary DB instance and two readable standby DB instances,
- Each DB instance in a different Availability Zone (AZ).
- Provides high availability, data redundancy and increases capacity to serve read workloads
- Proxy is not supported for cluster instances.
- For smaller workloads we recommend considering using a single instance instead of a cluster.
bool false no
is_kubernetes_app_enabled Specify whether or not to enable access from Kubernetes pods.
Valid Values: .
Notes: Enabling this will create the following resources:
- IAM role for service account (IRSA)
- IAM policy for service account (IRSA)
- Peering connection from EKS Cluster requires a VPC peering deployed in the AWS account.
bool false no
is_proxy_included Specify whether or not to include proxy.
Valid Values: .
Notes: Proxy helps managing database connections. See documentation for more information.
bool false no
is_publicly_accessible Specify whether or not this instance is publicly accessible.
Valid Values: .
- Setting this to true will do the followings:
- Assign a public IP address and the host name of the DB instance will resolve to the public IP address.
- Access from within the VPC can be achived by using the private IP address of the assigned Network Interface.
- Create a security group rule to allow inbound traffic from the specified CIDR blocks.
- It is required to set public_access_ip_whitelist to allow access from specific IP addresses.
bool false no
maintenance_window Specify the window to perform maintenance in.
Valid Values: Syntax: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi. Eg: "Mon:00:00-Mon:03:00".
Notes: Default value is set to "Sat:18:00-Sat:20:00". This is adjusted in accordance with AWS Backup schedule, see info here.
string "Sat:18:00-Sat:20:00" no
manage_master_user_password Set to true to allow RDS to manage the master user password in Secrets Manager.
Valid Values: .
- Default value is set to true. It is recommended to use this feature.
- If set to true, the password variable will be ignored.
bool true no
max_allocated_storage Set the value to enable Storage Autoscaling and to set the max allocated storage.
Valid Values: .
- If this variable is omitted:
- This value is set to 50 by default for production environments.
- This value is set to 0 by default for non-production environments.
number null no
network_type Specify the network type of the DB instance.
Valid Values: IPV4, DUAL
Notes: .
string null no
optional_data_specific_tags Provide list of optional* to be applied on data specific resources.
Valid Values: .
- Use this only for optional data tags. Required tags are supplied through dedicated variables.
- This variable will apply tags only on the relevant data resources.
- See recommendations here.
map(string) {} no
optional_tags Provide list of optional dfds.* tags to be applied on all resources.
Valid Values: .
- Use this only for optional tags. Required tags are supplied through dedicated variables.
- See recommendations here.
map(string) {} no
password Specify password for the master DB user.
Valid Values: .
- This password may show up in logs, and it will be stored in the state file.
- If manage_master_user_password is set to true, this value will be ignored.
string null no
performance_insights_enabled Specify whether or not to enable Performance Insights.
Valid Values: .
- If this variable is omitted:
- This value is set to true by default for production environments. Default retention period is set to 7 days.
- This value is set to false by default for non-production environments.
bool null no
performance_insights_kms_key_id Specify the ARN for the KMS key to encrypt Performance Insights data.
Valid Values: .
- When specifying performance_insights_kms_key_id, performance_insights_enabled needs to be set to true.
- Once KMS key is set, it can never be changed
string null no
performance_insights_retention_period Specify the retention period for Performance Insights.
Valid Values: 7, 731 (2 years) or a multiple of 31
Notes: Set the value Default value when performance_insights_enabled is set to true.
number null no
pipeline_location Specify a valid URL path to the pipeline file used for automation script.
Valid Values: URL to repo. Example: ""
Notes: This set the dfds.automation.initiator.pipeline tag. See recommendations here.
string null no
port Specify the port number on which the DB accepts connections.
Valid Values: .
Notes: Default value is set to 5432.
number 5432 no
proxy_additional_security_group_rules Specify additional security group rules for the RDS proxy.
Valid Values: .
- Public access is not supported on RDS Proxy. See documentation for more information.
- Only ingress(inbound) rules are supported.
- Ingress rules are set to "Allow outbound traffic to PostgreSQL instance"
– Ingress rules are set to "Allow inbound traffic from same security group on specified database port"
ingress_rules = list(any)
ingress_with_self = optional(list(any), [])
"ingress_rules": []
proxy_debug_logging_is_enabled Turn on debug logging for the proxy.
Valid Values: .
Notes: .
bool false no
proxy_engine_family Specify engine family of the RDS proxy.
Valid Values: POSTGRESQL
Notes: .
string "POSTGRESQL" no
proxy_iam_auth Specify whether or not to use IAM authentication for the proxy.
Notes: .
string "DISABLED" no
proxy_idle_client_timeout Specify idle client timeout of the RDS proxy (keep connection alive).
Valid Values: .
Notes: .
number 1800 no
proxy_require_tls Specify whether or not to require TLS for the proxy.
Valid Values: .
Notes: Default value is set to true.
bool true no
public_access_ip_whitelist Provide a list of IP addresses to whitelist for public access
Valid Values: List of CIDR blocks. For example ["x.x.x.x/32", "y.y.y.y/32"]
- In case of publicly accessible RDS, this list will be used to whitelist the IP addresses.
- It is best practice to specify the IP addresses that require access to the RDS instance.
- Setting this value to [""] will mean that the RDS instance will be open to the world! Following are examples where it can be necessary:
- Access is done from workloads with randomly assigned public IP adresses.
- A VPC peering is not configured.
list(string) [] no
replicate_source_db Inidicate that this resource is a Replicate database, and to use this value as the source database.
Valid Values: The identifier of another Amazon RDS Database to replicate in the same region.
Notes: In case of cross-region replication, specify the ARN of the source DB instance.
string null no
resource_owner_contact_email Provide an email address for the resource owner (e.g. team or individual).
Valid Values: .
Notes: This set the dfds.owner tag. See recommendations here.
string null no
service_availability Specify service availability.
Valid Values: low, medium, high
Notes: This set the dfds.service.availability tag. See recommendations here.
string n/a yes
skip_final_snapshot Setting this will determine whether a final DB snapshot is created before the DB instance is deleted.
Valid Values: Specific version number, for example, "15.3" or major version number, for example, "15".
- If true is specified, no DB Snapshot is created. If false is specified, a DB snapshot is created before the DB instance is deleted.
- Default value is set to true. Snapshots will be created by the AWS backup job assuming that this resource is properly tagged, see here for more info.
bool true no
source_snapshot_identifier Provide the ID of the snapshot to create this instance from.
Valid Values: This correlates to the snapshot ID you'd find in the RDS console, e.g: rds:production-2015-06-26-06-05"
Notes: Setting this will cause the instance to restore from the specified snapshot.
string null no
storage_throughput Speficy storage throughput value for the DB instance.
Valid Values: .
Notes: See notes for limitations regarding this variable for gp3.
number null no
storage_type Specify the storage type.
Valid Values: One of 'standard' (magnetic), 'gp2' (general purpose SSD), 'gp3' (new generation of general purpose SSD), or 'io1' (provisioned IOPS SSD).
Notes: Default is 'io1' if iops is specified, 'gp2' if not. If you specify 'io1' or 'gp3' , you must also include a value for the 'iops' parameter.
string "gp3" no
subnet_ids Provide a list of VPC subnet IDs.
Valid Values: .
Notes: IDs of the subnets must be in the same VPC as the RDS instance. Example: ["subnet-aaaaaaaaaaa", "subnet-bbbbbbbbbbb", "subnet-cccccccccc"]
list(string) n/a yes
username Specify Username for the master DB user.
Valid Values: .
Notes: .
string n/a yes
vpc_id Specify the VPC ID.
Valid Values: .
Notes: .
string n/a yes


Name Description
iam_instance_profile_for_ec2 The name of the EC2 instance profile that is using the IAM Role that give AWS services access to the RDS instance and Secrets Manager
iam_role_arn_for_aws_services The ARN of the IAM Role that give AWS services access to the RDS instance and Secrets Manager
kubernetes_serviceaccount If you create this Kubernetes ServiceAccount, you will get access to the RDS through IRSA
peering n/a