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This will setup, using docker-compose, a basic Responder API + Vuejs (vue-cli project) project.


  • Ready to be used for development (hot reload, etc)
  • Ready to be used on Production (prod settings, etc)

First steps

Start all containers:

  • docker-compose up

How to use it

First, be sure to complete First steps (describe above). Then, after you start all containers (with docker-compose up, you are free to start coding the backend or frontend (the code will be auto-reloaded, both the backend and frontend, each time you save the files in your editor).

I have a problem, this is not working

Please fill a bug :)

Directory structure

  • File docker-compose.yml: Orchestrate all containers settings
  • Directory dockerfiles:
    • File responder: Dockerfile to setup a Responder API
    • File vuejs: Dockerfile to setup Vuejs + Webpack + NPM + etc...
  • File Pipfile and Pipfile.lock: Pipenv files to install a Responder API project, locally in your system.
  • File You are here :)
  • File requirements.txt: Requirements written here will be installed in the backend container. This file should be autogenerated by pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt, but you are free to set it by hand (at your own risk :-P)
  • Directory src:
    • Directory backend: Here is the Responder API project
    • Drirectory frontend: Here is the Vuejs project.

About the backend

Python version

Responder container uses python:latest (more info at To know which version is running on the container, run: docker-compose run backend python --version

Important: Responder runs only with Python versions >= 3.6.

Backend/Responder related things

Question: How can i test that the backend is working?

  • Answer: Just go to http://localhost:8000/ping, you should get back a json with info about the framework/version running and the Python version being used in the container.

Question: Can i change the port where Responder runs? If true, how?

  • Answer: Yes you can. Just change PORT environment var (at .env file) or in docker-compose.yml

Question: How can i disable/enable code hot reloading?

  • Answer: To disable it, on docker-compose.yml file set DEBUG var to an empty string (DEBUG=""). To enable it, set DEBUG value to 1 (DEBUG=1). Dont forget to stop (ctrl+c) and start again all containers (docker-compose up).

Deploy API/Web service on Prod

Thanks to Responder and Uvicorn the backend is ready to be deployed on prod (no need to setup ningx, or anything else). This gets you a ASGI app, with a production static files server (WhiteNoise) pre-installed, jinja2 templating (without additional imports), and a production webserver based on uvloop, serving up requests with gzip compression automatically.

Important: Just be sure to not leave DEBUG enabled on prod.

(optional) Install requirements locally on your host

  • Install pipenv with your distro package manager, or as you prefer.
  • In the same directory where Pipfile and Pipfile.lock exists, run: pipenv install
  • Done, now you are able to add your bugs at src/backend

About the frontend

(optional) Install vue-cli locally on your host

  • Create a directory where npm i -g ... will be installed. Run: mkdir ~/.npm-global
  • Let npm where to find installed packages. Run: npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
  • Let your bash knows where excecutable installed by npm are. Run: echo "export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc. Apply changes made on $PATH running: source ~/.bashrc, or open a new terminal.
  • Install @vue-cli, run: npm install -g @vue/cli
  • Install @vue/cli-init, run: npm install -g @vue/cli-init


Responder + Vuejs (cli3) + Docker compose setup






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