./gradlew build
You can run the jar directly using the below command:
java -jar build/libs/searchtool.jar
You can enter any of the Zip code, State, City, Type, Bank Name or City & State to peform the search. It prints the matching branches on the console
The data is automatically loaded on the program start. So you directly enter your search criteria.
To change the CSV file, copy the new file to the src/main/resources/ProgrammingAssignment.csv
bash-3.2$ java -jar build/libs/searchtool.jar
Please enter your search criteria, Accepted Zip code, State, City, Type, Bank Name or City & State:
User input: Amazing
Branch[bankName='Amazing Bank', type=Branch, city='New York', state='NY', zipcode='10018']
Branch[bankName='Amazing Bank', type=ATM, city='New York', state='NY', zipcode='10018']
Branch[bankName='Amazing Bank', type=ATM, city='Winston-Salem', state='NC', zipcode='27106']
Branch[bankName='Amazing Bank', type=ATM, city='Dallas', state='TX', zipcode='75202']
##Unit & integration tests
Automated tests can be added to the src/test/java/searchtool
dir. Unit test should be added for BranchSearcher, and BranchCsvLoader class to make sure their functionality works as exected.
Mockito is a great tool to mock some aspects of the unit tests
For integration tests, have BranchCsvLoader.loadData
return different combination of data and then validate the results.