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Next.js app displaying artwork made for job application purposes


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A simple web app made to demonstrate my skills as frontend developer.

It is a Next.js 13 project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Run the web app locally

Install dependencies:

npm install

Build the project:

npm run build

Run the built project:

npm run start

Dependencies worth noting

  • SWR for data fetching


The goal of this exercise is to create a website that has two screens.

Artworks API:

Technologies to be used:

List screen

The first screen is a list of artworks. It should be possible to search the list of artworks. As the dataset is quite large, it should be possible to paginate through the data. If the user is interested, it should be possible to navigate to a details screen of the artwork.

Details screen

The details screen is the second screen of the page. Try to add a couple of interesting data points about the artwork. You don’t have to display all possible values. Choose about 10 that you like and which allow you to create a nice details page.