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developer88 edited this page Feb 14, 2013 · 10 revisions

jQuery scroll up is u plugin to load content when scrolling to the top of an element or a window.
Just like Facebook messages are loaded when you scroll up.

You can find an example right here:

download the jquery.scrollUp.1.0.0.js file to use it.


  • contentType: The type of the request (‘GET’ or ‘POST’)
  • contentPage: The url of the ajax service where you get your data
  • contentData: Additional data for the request
  • beforeLoad: Event is triggered before the loading starts
  • afterLoad: Event is triggered when the loading completes
  • scrollTarget: The element that is scrolling
  • heightOffset: When passing this height (in pixels) the loading starts

Include the libraries

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.scrollUp.1.0.0.js"></script>

Tip: scroll the window down before wiring up the plugin


Wiring up the plugin to an element

	'contentPage': 'democontent.html', // the page where you are searching for results
	'contentType' : 'GET', // the ajax method for the request
	'contentData': {}, // you can pass the children().size() to know where is the pagination
	'scrollTarget': $('#scrollupdemo'), // who gonna scroll? in this example, the full window
	'heightOffset': 100, // how many pixels before reaching end of the page would loading start? positives numbers only please
        'animateScroll': true, // turn on or off scroll animation after loading new messages
	'beforeLoad': function(){ // before load, some function, maybe display a preloader div
	'afterLoad': function(elementsLoaded){ // after loading, some function to animate results and hide a preloader div
		 var i = 0;
		 if ($('#content').children().size() > 100){ // if more than 100 results loaded stop (only for test)
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