Social Media Intelligence v.0.0.0
Feature -
This dependency or library is developed by using java and selenium using maven build tool. This Library is used to get real-time
information of instagram with a single method call.
group-id :
artifact-id : social-media-intelligence
interface Name : KumaresanL
class Name : IGDetails
IDE : IntelliJ
you just add this library to the maven project, and start writing implementation code.
Creating Instance and Call these methods to test :-
KumaresanL ob = new IGDetails();""); // retrieve instagram bio for given user
ob.followersCount(""); // retrieve instagram followers count for given user
ob.followingCount(""); // retrieve instagram following count for given user""); // retrieve instagram name for given user
ob.postsCount(""); // retrieve instagram posts count for given user
ob.profilePic("",""); // retrieve instagram profile pic for given user and mentioning save path to save
ob.getPostsLinksAndSave("",""); // retrieve instagram posts links for given user and mentioning save path to save the posts photos
ob.userDetails("",""); // retrieve instagram all visible information for given user and mentioning save path to save the posts photos