Dependency for social media real-time information.
- Instagram - (v.0.0.0)
- Github - onprocess ...
- click this link - Social Media Intelligence v.0.0.0
- Scroll Down, Under Assets, Download SocialMediaIntelligence.jar File by clicking it.
- After Downloaded, search and check that jar file in the download section,if available.
- Open Eclipse, Create Maven Project by setting your Group and Artifact Id.
- Right click Project folder, Goto Build Path -> Configure build path
- select Maven Dependencies and Add External Jars
- click Browse to add that jar file, you have downloaded.
- Click Apply and Close button, Dependecy Added Successfully, After that you start build.
- Create Package in your src/test/java folder, and create class
- Use and Test SocialMediaIntelligence v.0.0.0 Interface and its various methods to get realtime information of instagram in the given syntax in the release.After Test, Just Create Issue.