A minimal kanban board web app made with MERN stack. Manage all your projects and tasks at one place.
Purpose of this project was to get more practice with MERN stack, creating a RESTFUL Api and backend with ExpressJs. Working with mongodb to add CRUD functionalities to the application, and adding user authentication with JsonWebToken.
This repo contains the frontend of the app. Backend repo is here.
- Create new boards, lists and card.
- Easily edit your boards, lists and cards.
- Responsive and minimal interface.
- User authentication using JWT.
- RESTFUL Api to interact with the server.
- Dark/Light theme.
- Password salting.
- Server side validation for data.
- ReactJS
- Redux state management
- NodeJS
- ExpressJs framework
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- React Router v6
- BcryptJs
- JsonWebToken
- Emotion (Styled Component)
- Axios to handle HTTP requests
- Helmetg HTTP headers