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A request builder for web applications completely based on java


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This repository provides a simple request builder for url connections completely based on the java provided classes without any external dependencies (main goal).

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Please open an issue and describe the bug/proposal as detailed as possible and look into your email if we have replied to your issue and answer upcoming questions.


To include the project in yours you may use the following dependencies:

Maven repository:


Maven dependency:


Gradle repository:

maven {
    name ''
    url ''

Gradle dependency:

compile group: 'com.github.derklaro', name: 'requestbuilder', version: '1.0.5'

The builder class

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Creates a simple builder with '' as target and no proxy
    RequestBuilder requestBuilder = RequestBuilder.newBuilder("", Proxy.NO_PROXY);

    // We are now only accepting 'application/json' as result mime type

    // We are sending the mime type 'application/json'

    // We are following the redirects the server will make

    // We are now able to use the output stream of the connection

    // We are allowing the user to interact with the connection

    // We will now bypass the caches of the jvm

    // We will now not accepting any incoming data

    // After 5 seconds the connect should time out
    requestBuilder.setConnectTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    // We will make a get request. Possibilities are get, post, head, options, put, delete, trace

    // We are setting the maximum amount of time the client will read from the connection
    requestBuilder.setReadTimeOut(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    // Sets the specified cookie during the request
    requestBuilder.addCookies(new HttpCookie("AName", "AValue"));

    // Adds a header to the connection
    requestBuilder.addHeader("AKey", "AValue");

    // Adds a body to the request
    requestBuilder.addBody("AKey", "AValue");

    try (RequestResult requestResult = requestBuilder.fireAndForget()) {
      // now we can handle the result of the connection

    requestBuilder.fireAndForgetAsynchronously().thenAccept(result -> {
      // handle the result of the request

The request result

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        RequestResult requestResult = requestBuilder.fireAndForget();
        // The status of the connection as an integer

        // The status of the request as wrapped object

        // Returns the result as string if the status code is == 200 else it will end up throwing an exception

        // Returns the result as string if the status code is != 200 else it will end up throwing an exception

        // Returns always a string and decides between error or normal input

        // Get all cookies the server has set

        // Get all cookies the server has set in the specified header field

        // Get the output stream which is direction -> to server

        // Get the target input stream (direction -> to client)
        // Error -> returns the error stream (status != 200)
        // Default -> returns the default input stream (status == 200)
        // Choose -> chooses between error and default by result state

        // If the connection to server has failed

        // If the client is still connected to server

        // Closes the request and disconnects from the server
        try {
        } catch (Exception exception) {

Build this project

git clone
cd requestbuilder/
mvn clean package