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Simple python script for Overload map management. Meant to connect to


usage: [-h] [-s NAME VALUE] [-n NAME] [-f FILENAME] [-t TYPE]
                [-b DATETIME] [-a DATETIME] [-A]

Manage Overload maps.

positional arguments:
  operation             the operation to execute, must be one of: IMPORT,
                        HIDEIMPORT. Default is UPDATE.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        set configuration option NAME to VALUE
  -n NAME, --name NAME  add filter for map name
  -N EXACT_NAME, --exact-name EXACT_NAME
                        add filter for exact map name
  -f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
                        add filter for map filename
                        add filter for exact map filename
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  add filter for map type
  -b DATETIME, --time-before DATETIME
                        add filter for map mtime: must be before given
  -a DATETIME, --time-after DATETIME
                        add filter for map mtime: must be at or after given
  -H, --hidden          add filter: only apply to hidden maps
  -U, --unhidden        add filter: only apply to not hidden maps
  -A, --all             for HIDE or UNHIDE operations, when no filter is
                        specified: really apply to ALL maps
  -E EXPORT_FILE, --export-file EXPORT_FILE
                        for EXPORT... operations: the filename to write to,
                        default is "olmappyExport.json".
  -I IMPORT_FILE, --import-file IMPORT_FILE
                        for IMPORT... operations: the filename to read from,
                        default is "olmappyExport.json".
  --reverse             for HIDEIMPORT: reverse the "hidden" state of the
                        imported map files.
  --version             show program's version number and exit



  • IMPORT: Import all files in the map directory into the olmappy index be checking with the server. If the removeUnknownMaps setting is enabled, maps which are not found on the server are moved into the replaced sub-directory and are deactivated. If the autoImport setting is enabled, the IMPORT step is done at every UPDATE, too.
  • UPDATE: Retrieve the map list from the server and download all new maps, or update existing ones. If two maps with the same filename exist on the server, the newer one will be used.
  • LISTLOCAL: List all locally stored maps (known to olmappy).
  • LISTREMOTE: List all corrently stored maps on the server.
  • HIDE: Hide maps from the game. A hidden map may still be updated, but stays hidden.
  • UNHIDE: Unhide hidden maps so that hey are seen in the game.
  • WRITECONFIG: Write the config file. This is useful for initally populating the config file, and may be combined with several --set parameters to specify config values.
  • SHOWCONFIG: Show the currently effective configuration (taking the config file and all --set parameters into account).
  • LISTIGNORED: List all un-indexed files in the map directory.
  • EXPORTLIST: Export the list of local maps (with potential filters applied) to the file specified by the --export-file argument.
  • HIDEIMPORT: Import the hidden / unhidden state from a file specified by the --import-file argument. Note that HIDEIMPORT will hide AND unhide maps as stated in the file, but you can combine it with the --hidden or --unhidden filters to specifically only hide or unhide maps. Note that all filters are applied to the import file, not your local map base. The import only applies to maps you locally already have, other maps are ignored. If you later download such a map, you can apply the import file again. HIDEIMPORT can be combined with the --reverse option to explicitely unhide maps marked as hidden and vice-versa, as sort of undoing the changes (but it does not take the previous state of your maps into account).


The following configuration values are present:

  • mapPath: The path to the Overload maps, default: "/usr/share/Revival/Overload/". Note that this path may not be writable by the user by default. You have been warned.
  • mapServer: The map server, default: "".
  • mapServerListURL: The URL of the JSON map list on the server, default: "/data/all.json".
  • logLevel: Controls the verbosity from 0 (only errors) to 3 (debug messages), default: 2 (information).
  • filenameCaseSensitive: Treat filenames as case sensitive, default: False for compatibility with Windows.
  • filterCaseSensitive: Treat filters as case sensitive, default: False for convenience. Note that the --filename filter will only betreated as case-sensitive if both filenameCaseSensitive and filterCaseSensitive are enabled.
  • removeUnknownMaps: When importing maps, remove all not present on the server, default: False.
  • autoImport: Before updating, also run import, default: True.
  • configFile: The path to the configuration file, default: "$HOME/.config/olmappy.json". This option is not written to the configfile, it is only used via --set to specify the location of the config file for loading / writing.
  • verifyCertificates: For the HTTPS download: Set to 'False' to not verify the certificates (not recommended!), default: True.
  • certificateBundle: For HTTPS download: Use the specified certificate bundle file for root (and maybe intermediate) certificates, default: "" (use the urllib3 default). I provided an example bundle with just the certificates needed to access in certs/overloadmaps-bundle-2021-09.pem (but don't trust me).

Use WRITECONFIG to generate the initial config file, and edit the values as you please.


  • The filters --name or --filename accept strings and will match any substring in the map name / map filename. The --exact-name or --exact-filename match only if the strings are identical.
  • The --type filter can be SP, MP, or CM for Single-Player, Multi-Player, or Challene-Mode maps, respectively. The case of the letters does not matter. Note that a single map file can and typically does contain maps for different types. If the filter matches any type of such an archive file, it will apply to the whole file, not the sub-maps in it.
  • The --time-before and --time-after filters take a date and time in the form YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND or YEAR-MONTH-DAY (for midnight at that point in time).
  • The --hidden and --unhidden filters select only hidden or unhidden maps, respectively.
  • The --all option must be given for HIDE or UNHIDE operations if you otherwise did not specify any filters and what to operate on all maps.

If multiple filters of the same category are combined, the are treated as an OR operation. The time and hidden/unhidden filters cannot be specified multiple times, the last one of each kind is effective.


To update the maps from the server, use: UPDATE

To list only the locally available challenge mode maps, use: LISTLOCAL --type CM

To list all Multiplayer maps containing ro or bs in their name, and which are from 2021 or newer, on the server, use: LISTREMOTE --type mp --name ro --name bs --time-after 2021-01-01

To initalize the config file with the default values (assuming no config file already exists, otherthise the values in it will be used), use: WRITECONFIG

To hide a map you don't like: HIDE -N skull

To unhide all currently hidden maps: UNHIDE --all

To export a list of all your currently hidden maps to myHiddenMaps.json, use: EXPORTLIST -E myHiddenMaps.json -H

To import the hidden state again, use: HIDEIMPORT -I myHiddenMaps.json

Note that this repo comes with a outdatedMaps.json wich can be used to hide some maps which were superseeded by newer versions.

Have fun, derhass ([email protected])


simple python script for Overload map management







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