This plugin provides a static feedback tab on the side of the screen that enables website visitor to submit feedback or bugreports. Features pure client-side screenshot function including user-placed highlight / accent.
This branch is for CakePHP 5.0+. For details see version map.
- Name of sender (optional)
- E-mail of sender (optional)
- Subject
- Feedback message
- Current URL
- Screenshot of body DOM element (with marker as option)
- Browser and browser version
- User OS flavor
Name and E-Mail can be auto-retrieved from TinyAuth.AuthUser or plain session Auth.
Out of the box:
- Filesystem
- Database
Easily extendable to:
- Custom Database
- Mantis Bugtracker
- GitHub (repo issues)
- Bitbucket (repo issues)
- Jira
- Redmine
They can also be stacked (multiple stores at once).
- This plugin is CakePHP FormProtection component compatible.
- Fully localizable to your language.
Required: jQuery
Optional: Bootstrap (Bootstrap 4/5 compatible)
Includes: html2canvas.js by niklasvh
See Documentation.
This is the original project: