This is a collection of Songfiles for the Opensource-Karaoke-Game Ultrastar ( ).
Due to legal reasons, this will just contain the .txt-files which are used by the software to determine timings and pitches but won't contain any audio or video files.
However you might be able to provide your own audio/video as most of them can be found around the internet on sites like youtube. You're responsible for staying legal. Don't blame me if you break your local law.
You may need a tool like yt-dlp (
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install yt-dlp
The following linux-commands might come in handy for this:
yt-dlp--audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 --recode-video mp4 -v <VIDEO-URL>
ffmpeg -i /path/to/downloaded/video.avi /path/to/target/audio.mp3
Furthermore you can create own songs using sites like:
...and using tools like:
- Ultrastar Creator ( )
- YASS ( )
Disclaimer: Please note that i'm not related to any of the sites linked above and therefore not responsible for any of their contents.
Please see for details.