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derari edited this page Feb 21, 2013 · 3 revisions

converting to and from strings


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Alpha Index (Excel Columns)

AlphaIndex.toAlpha(27);     // returns "AB"
AlphaIndex.fromAlpha("AB"); // returns 27
Romans.ToRoman(2992);       // returns "MMCMXCII"  
Romans.ToRoman2(2992);      // returns "MMXMII"
Romans.FromRoman("MMXMII"); // returns 2992
JavaNames.camelCase("Hello, world!"); // returns "HelloWorld"
JavaNames.UNDER_SCORE("HTTPHeader");  // returns "HTTP_HEADER"

Like java.util.Formatter, but allows to configure custom formats. Custom formats are accessible via conversion %i, followed by a character, or %j, followed by the conversion name. %I and %J will convert the output to uppercase. Some additional formats are registered by default, alignment options are supported if possible.

Strings.format("%iR-%5JRomans", 3, 7);                 // returns "iii-  VII"
Strings.format("%_|3IA  %jAlpha;", 3, 4);          // returns "_D_ e"
Strings.format("Found %if=1[one file][%<d files]", 2); // returns "Found 2 files"

Map<Object,Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("name", "Peter");
Strings.format("Hello, %?name$if[%<<s][world]!", new SimpleArgs(args)); // returns "Hello, Peter!"

Find more example for the conditional format here.

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