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SCUFF-EM is a free open-source software suite for boundary-element analysis of
problems in computational electromagnetism and related fields.

SCUFF-EM stands for

    Surface-CUrrent-Field Formulation of ElectroMagnetism

For documentation and further information on SCUFF-EM, and to download binary
and source packages, visit the SCUFF-EM homepage:

The SCUFF-EM distribution includes the following components:

* libscuff, a C++ library that implements the basic boundary-element
  solver functionality

* a number of ancillary C++ libraries implementing utility functions

* a collection of simple C++ code examples demonstrating how to use
  the libscuff API

* a collection of standalone application programs, built atop
  libscuff and its associated libraries, for solving specialized problems in
  computational electromagnetism and related fields.

The standalone application programs distributed with SCUFF-EM
include the following:

    A comprehensive tool for computing the fields scattered from arbitrary
    geometries irradiated by arbitrary user-specified incident fields

    A tool for analyzing passive RF and microwave devices: RF antennas, coaxial
    cables, MRI coils, lumped-element passives, etc. scuff-RF can compute

``scuff-cas2D``, ``scuff-cas3D``, ``scuff-caspol``:
    Tools for computing Casimir forces between 2D and 3D objects of arbitrary
    geometries and material properties, as well as Casimir-Polder potentials
    for polarizable molecules in the vicinity of complex material surfaces.

Install scuff-em

* libtool
* bison
* flex

* liblapack-dev
* libblas-dev
* libhdf5-serial-dev
* python-dev
* gmsh

* (python3-pytest or python-pytest)
* probably missing dependencies are: cmake, build-essentials...

From git repository
Checkout the main module and the submodules::

    git clone
    # or git clone
    git submodule init
    git submodule update  # modules will be added from

Now run ./

    cd scuff-em
    ./autogen --prefix=${HOME}/scuff-em
    make install

Add executables to path::

    export PATH=${HOME}/scuff-em/bin/:$PATH

Run tests::

    cd unitTests/py_tests

More information about the tests for the py.test framework can be found in

Tested system
* Ubuntu 14.04
* lex 2.5.35
* yacc bison (GNU Bison) 3.0.2