This plugin is vim-airline's whitespace extension ported to lightline. It provides indication of trailing whitespace, mixed indentation and inconsistent indentation.
Install using a plugin manager of your choice, for example:
call dein#add('deponian/vim-lightline-whitespace')
- Register the component:
let g:lightline.component_expand = {'whitespace': 'lightline#whitespace#check'}
- Set color to the component (use
let g:lightline.component_type = {'whitespace': 'warning'}
- Add the component to the lightline, for example to the right side:
let = { 'right': [[ 'whitespace' ]] }
Max number of lines in file where whitespace checking is enabled.
Separator between trail/mixed/inconsistent indicators.
" "
Format of trailing whitespace indicator.
will be replaced with line number.Default:
"[%s] trail"
Format of mixed indentation indicator.
will be replaced with line number.Default:
"[%s] mixed"
Format of inconsistent indentation indicator.
will be replaced with line range.Default:
"[%s] inconsistent"
Disable specific whitespace checks for individual filetypes.
Vim-airline's default:
{'make': ['mixed', 'inconsistent']}
Which filetypes have special treatment of /* */ comments, matters for inconsistent indentation algorithm.
Vim-airline's default:
[ 'arduino', 'c', 'cpp', 'cuda', 'go', 'javascript', 'ld', 'php' ]
Customize the type of mixed indent checking to perform.
Algorithm 0: must be all spaces or all tabs before the first non-whitespace character
Algorithm 1: certain number of spaces are allowed after tabs, but not in between this algorithm works well for /* */ style comments in a tab-indented file
Algorithm 2: spaces are allowed after tabs, but not in between this algorithm works well with programming styles that use tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment
Thanks to authors of original whitespace extension from vim-airline plugin.
Also thanks to @maximbaz and his lightline-trailing-whitespace repository which I used as a reference.