Navigate front-end codebases in Sublime Text 2/3
For updates, follow @getDependents.
Currently supports JavaScript (AMD, CommonJS, and ES6) and CSS Preprocessor (Sass and Stylus) codebases.
You can install Dependents
via Package Control.
Don't see it? Try reinstalling Package Control. Alternatively, add the repository and install it:
- Package Control -> Add Repository
- Enter
- Package Control -> Install Package
- Choose Dependents
You must have Node.js installed on your system. Anything v0.10 and above is fine.
- Note: The Node.js windows installer will add the install directory to the
variable but you must reboot to reload it.
NVM will install Nodejs outside of the standard binary location. If you encounter an error where your Node executable cannot be found,
please override the node_path
in User settings:
- Preferences -> Package Settings -> Dependents -> Settings - User
"node_path": "path/to/the/node/install/directory"
- This will allow Dependents to find the Node binary for every codebase
To more swiftly and conveniently trigger the package's commands both key and mouse bindings are provided.
By default, the following key bindings have been supplied:
- Jump to dependency:
Command + Option + Right arrow
- Find Dependents:
Command + Option + Up arrow
- Copy path to clipboard:
Command + Shift + C
Windows and Linux:
- Jump to dependency:
Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow
- Find Dependents:
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow
By default, the following key bindings have been supplied:
- Jump to dependency:
Command + Option + Click
on the dependency item - Find Dependents:
Command + Shift + Click
anywhere in document
Windows and Linux:
- Jump to dependency:
Ctrl + Alt + Click
on the dependency item - Find Dependents:
Ctrl + Shift + Click
anywhere in document
You can get console logs via View -> Show Console
Paste those logs into the body of your issue.
Feel free to chat with me on Gitter if you need help or ping me @mrjoelkemp.
(Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs (CC-ND)](
The no derivatives creative commons license is straightforward; you can take a work released under this license and re-distribute it but you can’t change it.