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Gathered utilities to simplify concurrent programming, like for doing x number of request/response invocations in parallell.


go get[email protected]


Concurrent Executor

With the concurrent_executor.go you can run x number of things in parallel, such as database lookups, with a timeout limiting the max amount of time allowed before completing.

package example

import (

type companyData struct {
    images      []*model.CompanyImage
    languages   []*model.CompanyLanguage
    memberships []*model.CompanyMembership

func (s *PatientGatewayServiceV1) fetchCompanyData(
    ctx context.Context,
    companyId int32,
) (*companyData, error) {

    executions := make([]*concurrency.Execution, 0)

    images := &concurrency.Execution{
        Request: func() (interface{}, error) {
            return s.repo.FindCompanyImagesByCompanyId(ctx, companyId)
    executions = append(executions, images)

    languages := &concurrency.Execution{
        Request: func() (interface{}, error) {
            return s.repo.FindCompanyLanguagesByCompanyId(ctx, companyId)
    executions = append(executions, languages)

    memberships := &concurrency.Execution{
        Request: func() (interface{}, error) {
            return s.repo.FindCompanyMembershipsByCompanyId(ctx, companyId)
    executions = append(executions, memberships)

    // Execute all of these lookup's in parallel, with a timeout
    err := concurrency.ExecuteConcurrently(executions, time.Duration(3)*time.Second)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &companyData{
        images:      images.Response.([]*model.CompanyImage),
        languages:   languages.Response.([]*model.CompanyLanguage),
        memberships: memberships.Response.([]*model.CompanyMembership),
    }, nil