R(eactive)Socket: Reactive Streams over network boundary (tcp, websockets, etc) using Kotlin/Rxjava
RSocket is binary application protocol which models all communication as multiplexed streams of messages over a single network connection, and never synchronously blocks while waiting for a response.
It enables following symmetric interaction models:
- fire-and-forget (no response)
- request/response (stream of 1)
- request/stream (finite/infinite stream of many)
- channel (bi-directional streams)
- per-stream and per-RSocket metadata
repositories {
maven { url 'https://oss.jfrog.org/oss-release-local' }
dependencies {
compile 'io.rsocket.kotlin:rsocket-core:0.9.6'
based Websockets and TCP transport (Client
and Server
based Websockets transport (Client
dependencies {
compile 'io.rsocket.kotlin:rsocket-transport-netty:0.9.6'
compile 'io.rsocket.kotlin:rsocket-transport-okhttp:0.9.6'
Each side of connection (Client and Server) has Requester RSocket
for making requests to peer, and Responder RSocket
to handle requests from peer.
Messages for all interactions are represented as Payload
of binary (NIO ByteBuffer
) data and metadata.
UTF-8 text
payloads can be constructed as follows
val request = DefaultPayload.text("data", "metadata")
Stream Metadata is optional
val request = DefaultPayload.text("data")
Fire and Forget
RSocket.fireAndForget(payload: Payload): Completable
RSocket.requestResponse(payload: Payload): Single<Payload>
RSocket.requestStream(payload: Payload): Flowable<Payload>
RSocket.requestChannel(payload: Publisher<Payload>): Flowable<Payload>
fun metadataPush(payload: Payload): Completable
Client is initiator of Connections
val rSocket: Single<RSocket> = RSocketFactory // Requester RSocket
.acceptor { { requesterRSocket -> handler(requesterRSocket) } } // Optional handler RSocket
.transport(OkhttpWebsocketClientTransport // WebSockets transport
.create(protocol, host, port))
private fun handler(requester:RSocket): RSocket {
return object : AbstractRSocket() {
override fun requestStream(payload: Payload): Flowable<Payload> {
return Flowable.just(DefaultPayload.text("client handler response"))
Server is acceptor of Connections
from Clients
val closeable: Single<Closeable> = RSocketFactory
.acceptor { { setup, rSocket -> handler(setup, rSocket) } } // server handler RSocket
.transport(WebsocketServerTransport.create(port)) // Netty websocket transport
private fun handler(setup: Setup, rSocket: RSocket): Single<RSocket> {
return Single.just(object : AbstractRSocket() {
override fun requestStream(payload: Payload): Flowable<Payload> {
return Flowable.just(DefaultPayload.text("server handler response"))
Copyright 2015-2018 the original author or authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.