To make the whole application work, you need to:
download pre-trained word2vec binary from: and put under the data directory.
create the dataset in the comments folder. It should contain: |- data |- comments |- folder_name |- file_name.csv
It should be a ';' separated file with the following columns: empty_col|Id of comment|Id of author of comment|Id of post|Author of post|date|text|likes|empty_col|интент-анализ|label|content_analysis_label
To get an example, please contact [email protected]
- Download the mystem binary from:
Note: When using mystem we get specific form names like "V" or "PART". At the sime time, embeddings that we use work with full form names. Mapping is described here:
Note: The code was checked only for the macOS platform. Please expect inconsistencies for Win/Linux platforms