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Following a discussion at the 2014 DELPH-IN Summit in Tomar, the purpose of this page is to collect links to work that uses DELPH-IN tools and resources in various applications, with links to publications and source code, where available, but not limited to work that has been published. Papers marked with an asterisk at the end of the title describe state-of-the-art results (as of the time of writing).
Some of this work is surveyed in section 4 of:
- Emily M. Bender and Guy Emerson. 2020. Computational linguistics and grammar engineering. In Stefan Müller, Anne Abeillé, Robert D. Borsley, and Jean-Pierre Koenig (eds.), Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook. Language Science Press.
- Schäfer, Ulrich, Kiefer, Bernd, Spurk, Christian, Steffen, Jörg, & Wang, Rui. (2011). The ACL Anthology Searchbench. In Proceedings of the ACL-HLT 2011 system demonstrations (pp. 7–13). Portland, Oregon: Association for Computational Linguistics. Paper (pdf) and Searchbench
- Trimble, T.J., with Ryan Aldrich. 2014. Towards Augmenting Coreference Resolution with a Broad Coverage Precision Grammar. Unpublished Manuscript. Paper (pdf)
- Guy Emerson and Ann Copestake. 2015. Leveraging a Semantically Annotated Corpus to Disambiguate Prepositional Phrase Attachment. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS). Paper (pdf), Video.
Guy Emerson and Ann Copestake. 2016. Functional Distributional Semantics. In Proceedings of the ACL 2016 Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP. Paper (pdf), Poster (pdf) GitHub repository
Guy Emerson and Ann Copestake. 2017. Variational Inference for Logical Inference.* In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Logic and Machine Learning for Natural Language (LaML). Paper (pdf)
Guy Emerson and Ann Copestake. 2017. Semantic Composition via Probabilistic Model Theory.* In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS). Paper (pdf)
Guy Emerson. 2018. Functional Distributional Semantics: Learning Linguistically Informed Representations from a Precisely Annotated Corpus. PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge.
Guy Emerson. 2020. Autoencoding Pixies: Amortised Variational Inference with Graph Convolutions for Functional Distributional Semantics. In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.* Paper (pdf) GitLab repository
- Baldwin, Timothy, Paul Cook, Marco Lui, Andrew MacKinlay and Li Wang (2013) How Noisy Social Media Text, How Diffrnt Social Media Sources?, In Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2013), Nagoya, Japan, pp. 356—364. Paper (pdf).
Cahill, L., J. Carroll, R. Evans, D. Paiva, R. Power, D. Scott and K. van Deemter (2001) From RAGS to RICHES: exploiting the potential of a flexible generation architecture. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Toulouse, France, pp. 98-105. Paper (pdf)
Matic Horvat and William Byrne. 2014. A Graph-Based Approach to String Regeneration. In Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), pages 85—95. Paper (pdf)
Matic Horvat, Ann Copestake, and William Byrne. 2015. Hierarchical Statistical Semantic Realization for Minimal Recursion Semantics. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWVS), pages 107–117. Paper (pdf)
Ewa Muszyńska and Ann Copestake. 2017. Realization of long sentences using chunking. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG). Paper (pdf)
Valerie Hajdik, Jan Buys, Michael Wayne Goodman, and Emily M. Bender. 2019. Neural Text Generation from Rich Semantic Representations. Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT). Paper (pdf)
- Reiplinger, Melanie, Schäfer, Ulrich, & Wolska, Magdalena. (2012). Extracting glossary sentences from scholarly articles: A comparative evaluation of pattern bootstrapping and deep analysis. In Proceedings of the ACL-2012 special workshop on rediscovering 50 years of discoveries (pp. 55–65). Jeju Island, Korea. Paper (pdf)
Suppes, Patrick, Dan Flickinger, Elizabeth Macken, Jeanette Cook, and Tie Liang (2012) Description of the EPGY Stanford University Online Courses for Mathematics and the Language Arts, in Proceedings of the International Society for Technology in Education, San Diego.
Hellan, L., Tore Bruland, Elias Aamot, Mads H. Sandøy: A Grammar Sparrer for Norwegian. Proceedings of NoDaLiDa 2013. Paper (pdf) and Web app
Morgado da Costa, Luis and Winder, Roger V P and Li, Shu Yun and Liang, Benedict Christopher Lin Tzer and Mackinnon, Joseph and Bond, Francis (2020)
Automated Writing Support Using Deep Linguistic Parsers (in print). Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). Marseille, France.
- Bender, Emily M., Sumukh Ghodke, Timothy Baldwin and Rebecca Dridan (2012) From Database to Treebank: On Enhancing Hypertext Grammars with Grammar Engineering and Treebank Search, In Nordhoff, Sebastian (ed), Electronic Grammaticography, University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu, USA, pp. 179—206. Paper (pdf).
Oepen, Stephan, Velldal, Erik, Lønning, Jan Tore, Meurer, Paul, Rosén, Victoria, & Flickinger, Dan. (2007). Towards hybrid quality-oriented machine translation: On linguistics and probabilities in MT. In Proceedings of 11th conference on theoretical and methodological issues in machine translation (p. 144 – 153). Skvde, Sweden. Paper (pdf)
Matic Horvat. 2017. Hierarchical statistical semantic translation and realization. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
Michael Wayne Goodman. 2018. Semantic Operations for Transfer-based Machine Translation. PhD thesis, University of Washington.
- Zinda, Eric. The 'Perplexity' Natural Language Prototype. InductorSoftware.com, 4 Aug, 2020, https://blog.inductorsoftware.com/blog/PerplexityOverview.
- Glenn Slayden. 2013. Singular value decomposition (SVD) for MRS isomorphism. (unpublished) Paper (pdf)
- Hellan, L., D. Beermann, T. Bruland, M.E.K. Dakubu, and M. Marimon (2014) MultiVal: Towards a multilingual valence lexicon. LREC 2014. Paper (pdf) and Demo
- Herbelot, Aurélie, & Copestake, Ann. (2006). Acquiring Ontological Relationships from Wikipedia Using RMRS. In Proceedings of the ISWC 2006 workshop on web content. Paper (pdf)
- Norwegian: http://regdili.hf.ntnu.no:8081/webtagger/tagger.
- Yao, Xuchen, Bouma, Gosse, & Zhang, Yi. (2012). Semantics-based question generation and implementation.* Dialogue & Discourse, 3(2):11–42. Paper (pdf)
Packard, W. 2014. UW-MRS: Leveraging a Deep Grammar for Robotic Spatial Commands.* In Proceedings of SemEval-2014. Dublin, Ireland. Paper (pdf) and Subversion repository.
Hristov, Y, S. Penkov, A. Lascarides and S. Ramamoorthy (2017) Grounding Symbols in Multimodal Instructions, Proceedings of the ACL workshop on Language Grounding for Robotics, Vancouver, Canada. Paper (pdf)
Velldal, Erik; Øvrelid, Lilja; Read, Jonathon & Oepen, Stephan (2012). Speculation and Negation: Rules, Rankers, and the Role of Syntax.* Computational linguistics. 38(2):369-410. Paper (pdf)
MacKinlay, Andrew, David Martinez and Timothy Baldwin (2012) Detecting modification of biomedical events using a deep parsing approach, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.* 2012, 12(Suppl 1):S4. Paper (pdf).
Packard, W., Bender, E. M., Read, J., Oepen, S., & Dridan, R. 2014. Simple Negation Scope Resolution Through Deep Parsing: A Semantic Solution to a Semantic Problem.* In Proceedings of the 52nd Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Baltimore, MD. Paper (pdf) and Website.
Olga Zamaraeva, Kristen Howell, and Adam Rhine. 2018. Improving Feature Extraction for Pathology Reports with Precise Negation Scope Detection. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING). Paper (pdf)
Stephan Oepen, Marco Kuhlmann, Yusuke Miyao, Daniel Zeman, Dan Flickinger, Jan Hajič, Angelina Ivanova, and Yi Zhang. 2014. SemEval 2014 Task 8: Broad-Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing. Paper (pdf) Task Website
Stephan Oepen, Marco Kuhlmann, Yusuke Miyao, Daniel Zeman, Silvie Cinková, Dan Flickinger, Jan Hajič, and Zdeňka Urešová. 2015. SemEval 2015 Task 18: Broad-Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing. Paper (pdf) Task Website
Jan Buys and Phil Blunsom. 2017. Robust Incremental Neural Semantic Graph Parsing.* In Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Paper (pdf) GitHub repository
- Kramer, Jared and Clara Gordon. 2014. Improvement of a Naive Bayes Sentiment Classifier Using MRS-Based Features. Proceedings of Starsem 2014. Paper (pdf)
- Aurélie Herbelot. 2009. Finding Word Substitutions Using a Distributional Similarity Baseline and Immediate Context Overlap. In Proceedings of the Student Session of EACL. Paper (pdf)
- Yimai Fang, Haoyue Zhu, Ewa Muszyńska, Alexander Kuhnle, & Simone Teufel. A proposition-based abstractive summariser. In Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Paper (pdf)
- Lien, Elisabeth & Kouylekov, Milen. (2015). Semantic parsing for textual entailment.* In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (p. 40–49). Bilbao, Spain. Paper (pdf)
Alexander Kuhnle and Ann Copestake. 2017. ShapeWorld: A new test methodology for multimodal language understanding. Paper (pdf)
Alexander Kuhnle and Ann Copestake. 2017. Deep learning evaluation using deep linguistic processing. Paper (pdf)
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