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Damien edited this page May 29, 2016 · 1 revision
let medium: Provider = .Medium(
    clientID: "***",
    clientSecret: "***",
    redirectURL: "foo://callback"
 "token_type": "Bearer",
 "access_token": {{access_token}},
 "refresh_token": {{refresh_token}},
 "scope": {{scope}},
 "expires_at": {{expires_at}}
Scope Description Extended
basicProfile Grants basic access to a user’s profile (not including their email). No
listPublications Grants the ability to list publications related to the user. No
publishPost Grants the ability to publish a post to the user’s profile. No
uploadImage Grants the ability to upload an image for use within a Medium post. Yes
Authorization Request Parameters
Parameter Type Required? Description
client_id string required The clientId we will supply you that identifies your integration.
scope string required The access that your integration is requesting, comma separated. Currently, there are three valid scope values, which are listed below. Most integrations should request basicProfile and publishPost
state string required Arbitrary text of your choosing, which we will repeat back to you to help you prevent request forgery.
response_type string required The field currently has only one valid value, and should be code.
redirect_uri string required The URL where we will send the user after they have completed the login dialog. This must exactly match one of the callback URLs you provided when creating your app. This field should be URL encoded.
Token Request Parameters
Parameter Type Required? Description
code string required The authorization code you received in the previous step.
client_id string required Your integration’s clientId
client_secret string required Your integration’s clientSecret
grant_type string required The literal string "authorization_code"
redirect_uri string required The same redirect_uri you specified when requesting an authorization code.
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