A docker app to run the tShock server for Terraria. Information on tshock can be found at the link below.
Initial run to generate world
This will start the server in interactive mode and allow you to create a world. It mounts all the volumes into directories under /opt/data/tshock. It names the server in docker terraria to make it easier to manage.
docker run -it -p 7777:7777 -v /opt/data/tshock/config:/config -v /opt/data/tshock/logs:/logs -v /opt/data/tshock/world:/world -v /opt/data/tshock/plugins:/plugins --name="terraria" silvertoken/tshock-docker
Autoload world name terraria and detach
This command will autoload the world named terraria and detach from the process so it runs in the background.
docker run -dit -p 7777:7777 -v /opt/data/tshock/config:/config -v /opt/data/tshock/logs:/logs -v /opt/data/tshock/world:/world -v /opt/data/tshock/plugins:/plugins silvertoken/tshock-docker -world /world/terraria.wld