amtm is a front end that manages popular scripts for wireless routers running Asuswrt-Merlin firmware.
Starting with Asuswrt-Merlin 384.15, amtm is included in the firmware.
The file /amtm_fw/amtm is for firmware inclusion only. Use the install link on this page to install the regular version on Asuswrt-Merlin firmware older than 384.15.
See the Asuswrt-Merlin wiki for the usage of this firmware version.
News and more about amtm at Diversion - the Router Adblocker. Discussion about amtm - the Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu.
Note that starting with version 2.7, amtm is hosted on the Diversion Server. The transition for the built in amtm updater is seamless, no user action is required to use the new Server.
Enter the complete command below into your favorite SSH terminal, then press Enter.
/usr/sbin/curl -Os && sh amtm
Enter this into your favorite SSH terminal:
Script | Maintainer | Infos |
Diversion | thelonelycoder | Link |
Skynet | Adamm | Link |
FlexQoS | dave14305 | Link |
YazFi | Jack Yaz | Link |
scribe | cmkelley | Link |
x3mRouting | Xentrk | Link |
unbound Manager | Martineau | Link |
connmon | Jack Yaz | Link |
ntpMerlin | Jack Yaz | Link |
scMerlin | Jack Yaz | Link |
spdMerlin | Jack Yaz | Link |
uiDivStats | Jack Yaz | Link |
uiScribe | Jack Yaz | Link |
DNSCrypt | bigeyes0x0, SomeWhereOverTheRainBow | Link |
YazDHCP | Jack Yaz | Link |
Vnstat | dev_null | Link |
WireGuard Session Manager | Martineau | Link |
Asuswrt-Merlin-AdGuardHome-Installer | SomeWhereOverTheRainBow | Link |
VPNMON-R3 | Viktor Jaep | Link |
RTRMON | Viktor Jaep | Link |
WICENS | Maverickcdn | Link |
KILLMON | Viktor Jaep | Link |
Dual WAN Failover | Ranger802004 | Link |
BACKUPMON | Viktor Jaep | Link |
Domain-based VPN Routing | Ranger802004 | Link |
MerlinAU Firmware Auto-Updater | ExtremeFiretop | Link |
TAILMON Tailscale installer | Viktor Jaep | Link |
amtm also offers an interface for managing a number of other features:
Other features | Maintainer |
Entware | zyxmon, ryzhovau, themiron |
USB disk check at boot | ColinTaylor, latenitetech, thelonelycoder |
Format disk | thelonelycoder, ColinTaylor |
Router LED control, smart router LED scheduler | thelonelycoder |
Reboot scheduler via cron job | thelonelycoder |
Swap file creation and management | thelonelycoder |
amtm themes | thelonelycoder |
email settings | thelonelycoder |
10 router games to choose from | thelonelycoder |
Keep a history of entered shell commands | thelonelycoder |
Router date keeper | thelonelycoder |
amtm and third party script reset/remove options | thelonelycoder |
Show all cron jobs | thelonelycoder |
Reboot router command | thelonelycoder |
Scripts update notification | thelonelycoder |