A simple Angular directive that triggers a user-specified callback when the user scrolls to the bottom of a overflow:scroll-ed container.
- Simple - Built for a simple purpose. Detects height of container, binds scroll listener, yells back with callback when distance is attained.
Get it via Bower and inject detroix.ng-inf-scroll
into your project's dependencies i.e. app.module();
- Identify the container that will have its content scrolled. It needs to have overflow:scroll as a CSS attribute
- Declare the directive
as an attribute of your container's DOM. i.e.<div id='thisContainer' scrollToBottom></div>
a. Provide the id/class name of your container toscroll-to-bottom-container
e.g.scroll-to-bottom-container=" '#thisContainer' "
b. Provide the function as a callback toscroll-to-bottom-callback
c. Provide a numeric value toscroll-to-bottom-distance
to define distance from bottom of container before callback is triggered. e.g. e.g.scroll-to-bottom-distance="0"
- Done
<div class="mainPane">
<div id="collectionList"
scroll-to-bottom-distance = '100'
scroll-to-bottom-callback = "loadMoreData()">
- (TODO) Enable $log.debug if nothing is being triggered. For now, uncomment $log.debug(). Future release will include an option.
Custom ? Enable/Disable $log debug. Example:
<p data-ng-bind="option"></p>
Custom ? ??????
<p data-ng-bind="option"></p>
Works on modern versions of Chrome. Other browsers have yet to be tested.
- Set default of scroll-to-bottom-distance to zero.
- Get parameter to enable watch for change fo view port height. this has to be an option since it may affect performance
- Append Jasmine test specs to module's Gulp
- Perform cross browser test with PhantomJS.