Safety through commandline. »
is Debricked's command line interface. It brings open source security, compliance and health to your
project via the command prompt.
Check out the releases page. Choose the asset that is applicable for your system. Below follow some common ways to install the CLI.
curl -LsS | tar -xz debricked
curl -LsS | tar -xz debricked
- Download zip
- Unpack zip
docker pull debricked/cli:2-resolution-debian
Once you've installed the CLI, you're ready to scan your project. You can scan a local project, or integrate a scanning mechanism in your CI/CD pipeline.
- Sign up to Debricked
- Create an access token
debricked scan -t <access-token>
When the scan is complete, you will see the total number of vulnerabilities found and a list of automation rules that have been evaluated. Read more about automations here.
To make a scan directly through Docker based on your current working directory, you can use the following command:
docker run -v $(pwd):/root debricked/cli:2-resolution-debian debricked scan -t <access-token>
If you would rather use debricked
in your CI/CD pipelines, check out the templates.
Thank you for your interest in making Debricked CLI even better! Read more about contributing to the project here.