Portable GUI written in python to configure the smart daemon from smartmontools project. Should write smartd.conf files compatible with every smartmontools release since 5.43 Works on Windows NT 5+, Linux, *BSD (and maybe Mac ?)
Tested with Python 3.6 and 3.7
smartd-pyngui needs tkinter PySimpleGUI. tkinter should be available with a large range of distributions
Example for Redhat / CentOS / Fedora:
for Python3.6.x: yum install python36-tkinter
Example for Debian / Ubuntu / Mint:
for Python 3.x: apt-get install python3-tk
The easyiest way to get PySimpleGUI is using pip.
If not installed, get pip by with the following command:
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py && python get-pip.py
After that, you may install PySimpleGUI with pip using pip install PySimpleGUI
python smartd-pyngui.py
smartd-pyngui may be freezed or compiled after it has been converted to C code. As of today it has been tested under Windows with py2exe and nuitka.
To freeze and create an executable on windows, install py2exe (via pip) and run setup-smartd-pyngui.py
Executable file will be created in dist directory.
To compile and create an executable on windows, install nuitka (via pip) and run
nuitka --standalone --portable smartd-pyngui.py
Executable file will be created in smart-pyngui.dist directory. Don't forget to add the ui file.