This repository contains the completed assignments for Stanford's 2017 CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition class.
The course itself is excellent and I can heartily recommend it. All materials are available online either on the course's website or on YouTube (lecture videos from 2016 were uploaded by Andrej Karpathy). The class assumes some previous experience with machine learning so if you find yourself lost you can try Andrew Ng's likewise superb Machine Learning course on Coursera. CS231n also assumes a certain degree of familiarity with (multivariable) calculus although more important than formal understanding is intuition which can be gained from the course materials and lectures. If you decide to take this course I recommend that you work through all the assignments yourself and only check these solutions for comparison. Also, don't get discouraged by some of the harder parts.
Cheers for everyone (especially Andrej) who has contributed towards creating this course and making it publicly available. Good job!