Check the format and consistency of the Localizable.strings files of iOS Apps with multi-language support
Rubustrings is also available for Android here
It only needs the files to validate as arguments
rubustrings Localizable.strings
Additionally to the filenames, including the option --onlyformat will only assert for the format.
gem install rubustrings
Currently Rubustrings validates:
- The syntaxis of the strings file: Just the format of each line: "key" = "value";
- Dynamic values (%@, %d, %ld,...): It checks that the translation include the same set of them than the original string.
- Special characters at the beginning or at the end: If the original string begins or ends with a white space,\n or \r it tests that the translation also does.
It also warning on:
- Untranslated strings: In missing translations
- Translation significantly large: In translations 3 times larger than original string
dcordero@silver:~$ rubustrings Localizable.strings
Processing file: "Localizable.strings"
Localizable.strings:217: error: beginning mismatch: "Tubasa" = " Tubasa";
Localizable.strings:220: error: number of variables mismatch: "Web %@" = "Web";
Localizable.strings:225: error: invalid format: "bad format" = "because of a missing quote;
Result: ✘ Some errors detected
dcordero@silver:~$ rubustrings Localizable.strings
Processing file: "Localizable.strings"
Result: ✓ Strings file validated succesfully
Rubustrings can also be used as a custom build rule so that all .strings files are automatically validated at build time. This will also attempt to highlight offending lines in XCode.
Just add a new "Run Script Phase" with:
if which rubustrings>/dev/null; then
find "${SRCROOT}" -type f -name Localizable.strings -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 rubustrings
echo "warning: Rubustrings not installed, download from"
MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2017 @dcordero