A basic LTI authentication mechanism for django.
Tested with: http://www.imsglobal.org/developers/LTI/test/v1p1/lms.php
as both a provider and a consumer.
pip install blti
As a provider: see django_view.py
from blti import lti_provider
def provider_view(request, post_params, consumer_key, *args, **kwargs):
pass # your authenticated view here
N.B. to allow the embedding of your LTI provider in an iframe, you may need to disable django clickjacking protection (e.g. also using @xframe_options_exempt) when the "launch_presentation_document_target" parameter is set to "iframe".
set default options with:
import blti
# this may be a callable or a dictionary-like object
consumer_lookup = {
'test_consumer': 'test_secret123'
site_url = 'https://www.example.com', # your site URL (if set to None, Django will try to infer it from the request)
require_post = True, # this view only accepts POST requests
error_func = some_error_callable # the callable to use to handle errors. Defaults to HttpResponseForbidden
allow_origin = '*' # the value for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
or pass them in:
import blti
def provider_view(request, post_params, consumer_key, *args, **kwargs):
As a consumer:
import blti
params = {
'resource_link_id': 'unique value for the link',
'resource_link_title': 'title of the link, e.g link text',
'resource_link_description': 'description for the link',
'user_id': 'some_user_id_123',
'user_image': 'https://www.example.com/some_user_id_123.png',
'roles' : 'Instructor',
'lis_person_name_full': 'Some User',
'lis_person_contact_email_primary': '[email protected]',
'context_id': 'course_id',
'context_type': 'CourseSection',
'context_title': 'Course on Stuff',
# etc... for as many LTI params as required
url = 'https://www.some_provider.com/launch_url/'
# this will be the same parameters, but with extra oauth and lti data, and the oauth_signature attached
post_data = blti.sign_launch_data(url, params, 'my consumer key', 'my consumer secret')