The dcm4chee-proxy is a DICOM proxy application, that provides a vehicle for rule based distribution of DICOM data accross a network. Example use-cases are i) forwarding of DICOM objects to multiple AETs, ii) forwarding of DICOM objects based on receive time schedules, iii) forwarding to target AETs based on send time schedule, iv) forwarding based on attribute evaluation, etc.
The application can be run on JBoss AS7 or as a standalone command line tool.
Before building the proxy, check out and build the [dcm4che-3.x DICOM Toolkit] (
To build the dcm4chee-proxy, run mvn clean install -P standard
in the root directory.
On success, a JBoss AS7 deployable file can be found in dcm4chee-proxy-war/target/dcm4chee-proxy-war-.war
and the command line proxy-version can be found in dcm4chee-proxy-tool/target/
The standard build includes configuration support for LDAP and Java Preferences.
To build the proxy with a dependency for use with dcm4che-jdbc-prefs, run mvn clean install -P jdbc-prefs
or mvn clean install
(default profile is jdbc-prefs
In order to store configuration data for dcm4chee-proxy, new schema files
have to be imported into the LDAP server instance.
The folder /dcm4chee-proxy/dcm4chee-proxy-conf/src/main/config/ldap
subfolders with the required schema files for the supported LDAP servers:
dcm4chee-proxy provides a sample configuration for LDAP and Java Preferences.
The LDAP sample configuration can be found at /dcm4chee-proxy/dcm4chee-proxy-conf/src/main/config/ldap
After importing the LDAP specific schema file (see step LDAP Schema Import), import the ldif files in the above order into the LDAP server.
Java Preferences
A Java Preferences sample configuration can be found at dcm4chee-proxy/dcm4chee-proxy-conf/src/main/config/prefs
To import the sample config, use the xml2prefs
tool provided by the dcm4che 3.0 library (
Note: If planned to use the SQL backend for storing configuration data, the dcm4che-jdbc-prefs project
provides a tool xmlPrefs2jdbc
for importing the Java Preferences sample configuration.
Please check the dcm4che-jdbc-prefs project for further information.
To run dcm4chee-proxy within JBoss AS7 requires dcm4che-jboss-modules to be installed,
which can be found in the dcm4che-3.x DICOM Toolkit (
Unpack dcm4che-jboss-modules-<version>.zip
into the JBoss AS7 folder.
Container Configuration
Create a directory dcm4chee-proxy
inside the container configuration directory
(e.g. <jbossDir>/standalone/configuration/dcm4chee-proxy
and copy all files from dcm4chee-proxy-conf/src/main/config/conf/
into it.
If planned to use Java Preferences as configuration backend, delete the file
from <jbossDir>/standalone/configuration/dcm4chee-proxy/
If planned to use a LDAP configuration backend, edit the file
and set the connection and authentication parameters according
to the LDAP server configuration.
To run dcm4chee-proxy in a JBoss AS7 instance, deploy
via the JBoss command line interface or by copying it into e.g. <jbossDir>/standalone/deployments/
i) make sure the JBoss instance is running
ii) start the command line interface: <jbossDir>/bin/ -c
iii) call the deploy procedure: deploy <buildPath>/dcm4chee-proxy-war-<version>.war
Device Configuration
The dcm4chee-proxy is using a LDAP configuration, compliant to the DICOM Application Configuration Management Profile, specified in DICOM 2011, Part 15, Annex H.
On start-up, the dcm4chee-proxy application needs to load a proxy device configuration from the configuration backend. The device to be loaded can be set via
i) JBoss AS7 system property org.dcm4chee.proxy.deviceName
in the JBoss container configuration
Example: Edit <jbossDir>standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<server xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:1.2">
<property name="org.dcm4chee.proxy.deviceName" value="dcm4chee-proxy"/>
ii) by editing the file /WEB-INF/web.xml
within the war file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
JBoss Logging
For all audit log messages to appear in a separate log file (e.g. dcm4chee-proxy-audit.log), add to the according container configuration (e.g. standalone.xml):
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.1">
<periodic-rotating-file-handler name="PROXYAUDITLOG">
<pattern-formatter pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n"/>
<file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="dcm4chee-proxy-audit.log"/>
<suffix value=".yyyy-MM-dd"/>
<append value="true"/>
<logger category="org.dcm4chee.proxy.conf.AuditLog">
<level name="INFO"/>
<handler name="PROXYAUDITLOG"/>
JDBC Preferences
If the preferences data is supposed to be read via the dcm4che-jdbc-prefs project from a database, specify the following system property in the container configuration (e.g. standalone.xml):
<property name="java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory" value="org.dcm4che.jdbc.prefs.PreferencesFactoryImpl"/>
The dcm4chee-proxy can be run as a standlone application from the command line.
After building the project, the command line version can be found in
The standalone app can be started by executing ./bin/proxysa
(or proxysa.bat
and specifying the device name to be loaded from the configuration backend (LDAP or Java Preferences).
proxysa --device dcm4chee-proxy
--ldap-url ldap://localhost:1389/dc=example,dc=com
--ldap-userDN "<userDN>" --ldap-pwd <pwd>`
This will start the proxy with a DICOM configuration retrieved from the specified LDAP.
Try proxysa --help
for more information.