This is a small command line utility to get an OAuth access token for three-legged flows where you authorize an application to access your account, such as Strava.
It is useful for other command line utilities where you need an access token but don't want to host the application on the web.
go get -u
Create an API application in the service of your choosing and set the callback URL to as follows:
Run with all of the necessary arguments, for example:
$ oauth2-cli \
-secret REDACTED \
-auth \
-token \
-scope view_private
Visit this URL in your browser:
Then follow the instructions in the CLI and subsequently your browser.
Multiple scopes can be given by specifying the argument multiple times:
-scope read \
-scope write \
Some services are lenient with their interpretation of the OAuth specification so you will need to specify multiple scopes as a single comma separated argument:
-scope write,view_private