Simple jquery-plugin that expands and shrinks the size of a textarea as you type. The plugin also allows for a textarea to behave as a input, disabling line breaks, and using the enter-key to submit a form.
Adding autoexpand is as simple as adding data-autoexpand
to your textarea
<textarea data-autoexpand></textarea>
<!-- with options -->
<textarea data-autoexpand data-autoexpand-options="min:100;max:200;actAsInput:true;"></textarea>
or, using javascript:
//with options
$('#mytextarea').autoexpand({ min:100, max:200, actAsInput:true });
###Caveats For the resizing to work properly the textarea should have the css-rules:
box-sizing: border-box;
overflow: hidden;
resize: none;
##Options (defaults)
resizeOnInit: false, //Resize the textarea when the plugin inits
actAsInput: false, //The textarea acts a input-field disabling enter-key
min: 0, //Min height of the textarea. Disable by setting 0
max: 0 //Max height of the textarea. Disable by setting 0