#Intro A lightweight karma bot designed to be integrated easily into slack.
##Create new Outgoing WebHook:
Shortcut: https://<team>.slack.com/services/new/outgoing-webhook
- Go to slack home "https://.slack.com/home"
- Click "Integration"
- Click "Add" on "Outgoing WebHooks"
Click "Add Outgoing WebHooks Integration"
###Fill in the following configuration:
Channel: Any
Trigger Word: karma
Token: (Leave as default)(copy this as you will need it later)
Descriptive Label: (Leave as default)
Customize Name: karma
Customize Icon: (choose cat icon)
Click "Save Settings"
##Create new Incoming WebHook:
Shortcut: https://<team>.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook
- Go to slack home "https://.slack.com/home"
- Click "Integration"
- Click "Add" on "Incoming WebHooks"
###Fill in the following configuration:
Post to Channel: #general
Click "Add Incoming WebHooks Integration"
Fill in the following configuration:
Post to Channel: #general
Webhook URL: (Leave as default)(copy this as you will need it later)
Descriptive Label: (Leave as default)
Customize Name: karma
Customize Icon: (choose cat icon)
Click "Save Settings"
##Initialising karma: Within slack, (general channel), run karma init passing the:
Outgoing WebHook Token
Incoming WebHook Url
E.g: karma: init { "incomingWebhookUrl": "https://hooks.slack.com/services/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", "outgoingToken": "25LnEy4vXHEi88Plrpvg6htP" }
You should how see a confirmation message, if you dont, then either of these two properties is incorrect.
run "karma: ?" for a full list of karma commands