VimLint is, you guessed it, a sourcecode checker for your .vimrc (and all other Vimscript)! It finds common problems such as:
- Trying to use (ex-)commands that do not exist
- Missing the if or endif in if...endif.
- Incorrectly using options, f.e. set compatible=3 would be incorrect as only set compatible and set nocompatible are allowed.
- Incorrect syntax for mappings.
- And many more...
It works together with Syntastic, which is an amazing Vim plugin that uses external source code checkers to find and highlight errors.
All the cool kids are using it, and so should you!
Installing vim-lint is really easy! Make sure you have python in your PATH, Syntastic installed and add vim-lint to your bundles:
For Vundle you just need to make sure you have the following 2 lines in your .vimrc:
Bundle 'scrooloose/syntastic' Bundle 'dbakker/vim-lint'
For Pathogen, execute:
cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone git clone vim +Helptags +q
Check out the documentation that comes with Syntastic (:h syntastic) to see what you can do. If you'd like to lint your entire ~/.vim folder, you can use VimLint like a standalone utility:
find ~/.vim -name *.vim|xargs python ~/.vim/bundle/vim-lint/vimlint/ > out.txt
Copyright (c) Daan Bakker. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.