Make sure to checkout the entire repository because it includes dependencies and some scripts assume this directory structure.
- Deployed at: (communicated separately)
- Instructions shown when the default url is hit
Scalability and other improvements:
- The service keeps the database of hashes and strings in-memory, they are not persisted. A database would be best in real-life usage
- Use a (NoSql) key-value database to store hashes and messages, e.g. Redis, AWS Dynamo, AWS SimpleDB
- Put the service into a container and scale using OpenShift, or AWS Container Service
- Better yet, but may be more expensive: use serverless compute, e.g. AWS Lambda, that will auto-scale
Pick 2 gifts:
- Python’s implementation shows O(n) solution. Since the input file can be big,it’s memory-mapped and walked without loading into memory.
$ ./ -f ./prices.txt -t 2300 # -h for more details
best_combo=(('Paperback Book', 700), ('Headphones', 1400))
Pick 2/3 gifts:
- Unofficial, experimental sql/bash implementation that tries two different approaches: I believe one achieves O(n log n) and the other is O(n^2) that trades time for space.Note that Python implementation is better and is the one that should be considered.
$ ./ -f ./prices.txt -t 2500 # -h for more details
---Approach 1: Load text file into sqlite format to utilize index for O(n log n) - see help(-h) for details and scanstats(-d)---
nGifts combination first_price second_price third_price summ
------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------
2 gifts Candy Bar + Earmuffs 500 2000 NA 2500
3 gifts Candy Bar + Paperback Book + Detergent 500 700 1000 2200
---Approach 2: Use virtual table functionality (direct navigation of csv without copying into sqlite format): O(n^2) - see help(-h) for details and scanstats(-d)---
nGifts combination first_price second_price third_price summ
------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------
2 gifts Candy Bar + Earmuffs 500 2000 NA 2500
3 gifts Candy Bar + Paperback Book + Detergent 500 700 1000 2200
- A compiled Linux binary is included, tested on Red Hat and Ubuntu
- A command to compile is included in the comment in source code
- The explanation of the algorithm is also inline
- Big O: O(2^m*n), where m is the number of X’s in the string, and n is the length of the string
$ ./binary_combinations 10X10X0
1: 1001000
2: 1001010
3: 1011000
4: 1011010