Command line interfaces for low-level conversations with tendermint chains
See tests in ./DOCKER
For crafting transactions, getting them signed, and broadcasting them to a node
For making RPC calls to a node and parsing responses
For generating tendermint genesis.json's
For converting between eris-keys and tendermint priv_validator.json's
For dumping and restoring blockchain state data
For converting between human-readable and machine-readable tendermint permissions
Let's use these tools to register a real domain name against the blockchain!
First thing we need the eris-keys
daemon to generate private keys and handle signing.
go get
eris-keys &
eris-keys gen
This will install the software, start the daemon, and generate a new key (keys are stored in ~/.eris/keys/). The final output is your tendermint address. We need to also know the public key:
eris-keys pub <address>
where <address>
is the address you just generated with eris-keys gen
Now, to simplify our lives, lets set a few environment variables.
Open your ~/.bashrc
and paste in the following
export MINTX_SIGN_ADDR=http://localhost:4767
export MINTX_CHAINID=etcb_testnet
where <PUBKEY>
is the output of the eris-keys pub
Run source ~/.bashrc
to make the new variables take effect.
Now we can send transactions!
Well, technically, someone has to send you a transaction first so you have some funds. Contact someone with funds on the chain and give them your address so they can send you funds. Sending funds is easy as:
mintx send --to <addr> --amt <amount> --sign --broadcast
You can monitor the accounts at
Alternatively, run
mintinfo accounts
Now, lets say we want to create an A record for the subdomain
We would send the following tx:
mintx name --name --data '{"fqdn":"", "address":"", "type":"A"}' --amt 100000 --fee 0 --sign --broadcast
The data you pass must be specially formatted (as shown) to be recognized as a dns entry.
It's just json with an fqdn
, address
, and type
The --amt
flag determines how long your entry will remain on the chain (or at least how long until it can be overwritten,
but it is not automatically deleted). Wait about 30 seconds, and you should be able to resolve the new domain with dig:
Of course this uses our name server directly, and it might take a little longer before the new record propogates to other dns caches.
To run your own nameservers linked to the blockchain, send a NameTx with the "type"
argument set to "NS"
, eg:
mintx name --name --data '{"fqdn":"", "address":"", "type":"NS"}' --amt 100000 --fee 0 --sign --broadcast
Of course this will only work with the real DNS system if you own the domain
, and you tell your registrar to point at your own nameservers (presumably
). Then just run our docker container and you'll be serving DNS straight from the blockchain!