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Rest Server

Rest Server with Doctrine for Codeigniter 4

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Version 7

This version breaks compatibility with previous versions, since it contains new automated features, restructuring of the database with new foreign keys, so if you update, check that the names of the tables are in the plural.

Installation via composer

Use the package with composer install

> composer require daycry/restserver

Manual installation

Download this repo and then enable it by editing app/Config/Autoload.php and adding the Daycry\RestServer namespace to the $psr4 array. For example, if you copied it into app/ThirdParty:

$psr4 = [
    'Config'      => APPPATH . 'Config',
    'App'         => APPPATH,
    'Daycry\RestServer' => APPPATH .'ThirdParty/restserver/src',


Run command:

> php spark restserver:publish
> php spark settings:publish
> php spark cronjob:publish
> php spark jwt:publish

This command will copy a config file to your app namespace. Then you can adjust it to your needs. By default file will be present in app/Config/RestServer.php.

> php spark migrate -all

This command create rest server tables in your database.

If you want load and Example Seed you can use this command.

> php spark db:seed Daycry\RestServer\Database\Seeds\ExampleSeeder

More information about install doctrine:

Usage Loading Library

<?php namespace App\Controllers;

class Center extends \Daycry\RestServer\RestServer
    public function index()
        return $this->respond( $this->content );

If you want change attributes before controller call:

<?php namespace App\Controllers;

class Center extends \Daycry\RestServer\RestServer
    public function __construct()
        $this->_restConfig = config('RestServer');
        $this->_restConfig->restAjaxOnly = true;

    public function index()
        return $this->respond( $this->content );

If you need to validate the data, you can call validation method passing the string rules and Validation Config file y you need.

For Example: app/Config/Validation.php or if rules are in custom namespace app/Modules/Example/Config/Validation.php

	public $requiredLogin = [
		'username'		=> 'required',
		'password'		=> 'required',
		//'fields'		=> 'required'
<?php namespace App\Controllers;

class Center extends \Daycry\RestServer\RestServer
    public function index()
        $this->validation( 'requiredLogin' );
        return $this->respond( $this->content );

$this->content contains a body content in the request. $this->args contains all params, get, post, headers,... but you can use the object $this->request for get this params if you want.

<?php namespace App\Controllers;

class Center extends \Daycry\RestServer\RestServer
    public function index()
        $this->validation( 'requiredLogin', config( Example\\Validation ), true, true );
        return $this->respond( $this->content );

Validation function parameters

Fiels Desctiption
rule Name of rule
namespace Namespace that contains the rule
getShared true or false
filter If you want to limit the content of the body, exclusively to the parameters of the rule.

User Model Class

By default you can associate users with keys via the '\Daycry\RestServer\Models\UserModel' model, but you can customize it by creating an existing class of '\Daycry\RestServer\Libraries\User\UserAbstract'.


namespace App\Models;

use Daycry\RestServer\Libraries\User\UserAbstract;

class CustomUserModel extends UserAbstract
    protected $DBGroup = 'default';

    protected $table      = 'users';

    protected $primaryKey = 'id';

    protected $useAutoIncrement = true;

    protected $returnType     = 'object';

    protected $useSoftDeletes = true;

    protected $allowedFields = [ 'name', 'key_id' ];

    protected $useTimestamps = true;
    protected $createdField  = 'created_at';
    protected $updatedField  = 'updated_at';
    protected $deletedField  = 'deleted_at';

    protected $validationRules    = [];
    protected $validationMessages = [];
    protected $skipValidation     = false;

If you customize the user class, you have to modify the default configuration


    public $restUsersTable = 'restserver_user'; //user table name
    public $userModelClass = \Daycry\RestServer\Models\UserModel::class; //user model Class
    public $userKeyColumn = 'key_id'; // column that associates the key 

Exceptions & block Invalid Attempts

If you want to use some custom exception to use it as a failed request attempt and allow the blocking of that IP, you have to create the static attribute authorized.

If authorized is false the system increases by 1 the failed attempts by that IP. Example:


    namespace App\Exceptions;

    use CodeIgniter\Exceptions\FrameworkException;

    class SecretException extends FrameworkException
        protected $code = 401;

        public static $authorized = true;

        public static function forInvalidPassphrase()
            self::$authorized = false;
            return new self(lang('Secret.invalidPassphrase'));

        public static function forInvalidToken()
            self::$authorized = false;
            return new self(lang('Secret.invalidToken'));

        public static function forExpiredToken()
            self::$authorized = false;
            return new self(lang('Secret.tokenExpired'));

        public static function forTokenReaded()
            self::$authorized = false;
            return new self(lang('Secret.readed'));


You can customize the requests independently using the petition table.

Fiels Value Options Desctiption
namespace_id This field contains the identifier of the ws_namespaces table, this table stores the namespaces of the classes, for example \App\Controllers\Auth
method login Use this field to configure the method of controller
http post get,post,put,patch, options Use this field to configure the method of controller
auth bearer false,basic,digest,bearer Use this field to configure the autentication method
log null null,1,0 Use this field if you want log the petition
limit null null,1,15 Use this field if you want to set a request limit, this value must be an integer
time null null,1,15 This field is used to know how often the request limit is reset ( Time in seconds Example: 3600 -> In this case you can do {limit} request in 3600 seconds)
level null null,1,10 Use this field to indicate the level of permissions in the request, if the token has level 1 and the request has level 3, you will not be able to make the request

You can fill the ws_namespaces automatically with a command.


    php spark restserver:discover

This command search class in the namespace o namespaces that you want. You can set this namespaces in the RestServer.php config file.


    * Cronjob
    * Set to TRUE to enable Cronjob for fill the table petitions with your API classes
    * $restNamespaceScope \Namespace\Class or \Namespace\Folder\Class or \Namespace example: \App\Controllers
    * This feature use Daycry\CronJob vendor
    * for more information:
    public string $restApiTable = 'ws_apis';
    public string $restNamespaceTable = 'ws_namespaces';
    public array $restNamespaceScope = ['\App\Controllers', '\Api\Controllers'];

Or creating a cronjob tasks editing CronJob.php config file like this.


    | Cronjobs
    | Register any tasks within this method for the application.
    | Called by the TaskRunner.
    | @param Scheduler $schedule
    public function init(Scheduler $schedule)
        $schedule->command('restserver:discover')->named('discoverRestserver')->daily('11:30 am');

More information about cronjob:


The default response is in json but you can change to xml in the headers.

Accept: application/json


Accept: application/xml

or you can set format in GET variable


The body of petition is json by default, but you can change it.

Content-Type: application/json


Content-Type: application/xml


You can sent api rest token in headers, GET or POST variable like this.



You can sent language like this.

Accept-Language: en