Setup the yeoman work environment for a fresh installed Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop Please clone the repository and execute the "sudo ./" in Ubuntu to automate it.
The script will install npm, yeoman, bower, grunt-cli, ruby gems ... and configure the npm, ruby gem to use mirror repository in China.
setup.sh为Yoman开发环境一键安装脚本(Ubuntu 14.04测试), 请执行sudo ./setup.sh开始安装
安装npm sudo apt-get install npm
创建node的软链接, 因为很多nodejs的工具会直接使用node命令
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
- 加入淘宝的源, 并使用npm config get registry确认源加入成功
dev@mangdin:~$ npm config set registry
dev@mangdin:~$ npm config get registry
- 升级npm到最新版本 (自己更新自己)
sudo npm install -g npm
- 安装
sudo npm install -g yo generator-angular bower grunt-cli
- 确认安装成功
yo --version && bower --version && grunt --version
在yoman中, 可以根据自己需要, 选择是否用Compass工具来编译sass文件成css. 如果您不需要Sass可直接跳过这一步.
- 安装
sudo apt-get install rubygems-integration
- 使用gem sources -l查看当前gem用到的源,全部去掉,然后加上淘宝的源
dev@mangdin:~$ gem sources -l | grep http | xargs gem sources --remove removed from sources
dev@mangdin:~$ gem sources -a added to sources
dev@mangdin:~$ gem sources -l
- 因为yeoman需要autoconf, nasm与git, 所以需要先安装这几个工具
sudo apt-get install autoconf nasm git
- 生成工程: mkdir hello ; cd hello ; yo angular
- 匿名报告 anonymously report 随便选, 直接回车就行
- Would you like to use Sass (with Compass)? No (没有做第三步的话, 这个一定要选No)
- Would you like to include Bootstrap? Yes
- Which modules would you like to include?
此步会从npm服务器下载200MB左右的npm依赖, 因此根据网络状况持续一段时间
grunt server 运行服务器, 可以通过访问http://localhost:8080看到样例工程
grunt 打包, 最终生成dist目录 (dist为网站部署的内容, 已经合并与minify过js, html等)