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Train a classifier on own images

David Sandberg edited this page May 6, 2017 · 3 revisions

This page describes how to train your own classifier on your own dataset. Here it is assumed that you have followed e.g. the guide Validate on LFW to install dependencies, clone the FaceNet repo, set the python path etc and aligned the LFW dataset (at least for the LFW experiment). In the examples below the frozen model 20170216-091149 is used. Using a frozen graph significantly speeds up the loading of the model.

Train a classifier on LFW

For this experiment we train a classifier using a subset of the LFW images. The LFW dataset is split into a training and a test set. Then a pretrained model is loaded, and this model is then used to generate features for the selected images. The pretrained model is typically trained on a much larger dataset in order to give decent performance (in this case a subset of the MS-Celeb-1M dataset).

  • Split the dataset into train and test sets
  • Load a pretrained model for feature extraction
  • Calculate embeddings for images in the dataset
  • mode=TRAIN:
    • Train the classifier using embeddings from the train part of a dataset
    • Save the trained classification model as a python pickle
  • mode=CLASSIFY:
    • Load a classification model
    • Test the classifier using embeddings from the test part of a dataset

Training a classifier on the training set part of the dataset is done as:

python src/ TRAIN /home/david/datasets/lfw/lfw_mtcnnalign_160 /home/david/models/model-20170216-091149.pb ~/models/lfw_classifier.pkl --batch_size 1000 --min_nrof_images_per_class 40 --nrof_train_images_per_class 35 --use_split_dataset

The output from the training is shown below:

Number of classes: 19
Number of images: 665
Loading feature extraction model
Model filename: /home/david/models/model-20170216-091149.pb
Calculating features for images
Training classifier
Saved classifier model to file "/home/david/models/lfw_classifier.pkl"

The trained classifier can later be used for classification using the test set:

python src/ CLASSIFY ~/datasets/lfw/lfw_mtcnnalign_160 ~/models/model-20170216-091149.pb ~/models/lfw_classifier.pkl --batch_size 1000 --min_nrof_images_per_class 40 --nrof_train_images_per_class 35 --use_split_dataset

Here the test set part of the dataset is used for classification and the classification result together with the classification probability is shown. The classification accuracy for this subset is ~0.98.

Number of classes: 19
Number of images: 1202
Loading feature extraction model
Model filename: /home/david/models/export/model-20170216-091149.pb
Calculating features for images
Testing classifier
Loaded classifier model from file "/home/david/lfw_classifier.pkl"
   0  Ariel Sharon: 0.583
   1  Ariel Sharon: 0.611
   2  Ariel Sharon: 0.670
1198  Vladimir Putin: 0.588
1199  Vladimir Putin: 0.623
1200  Vladimir Putin: 0.566
1201  Vladimir Putin: 0.651
Accuracy: 0.978

Train a classifier on your own dataset

So maybe you want to automatically categorize your private photo collection. Or you have a security camera that you want to automatically recognize the members of your family. Then it's likely that you would like to train a classifier on your own dataset. In this case program can be used also for this. I have created my own train and test datasets by copying subsets of the LFW datasets. In this example the 5 first images of each class was used for training and the next 5 images was used for testing.

The classes that was used are:

  • Ariel_Sharon
  • Arnold_Schwarzenegger
  • Colin_Powell
  • Donald_Rumsfeld
  • George_W_Bush
  • Gerhard_Schroeder
  • Hugo_Chavez
  • Jacques_Chirac
  • Tony_Blair
  • Vladimir_Putin

The training of the classifier is done in a similar way as before:

python src/ TRAIN ~/datasets/my_dataset/train/ ~/models/model-20170216-091149.pb ~/models/my_classifier.pkl --batch_size 1000

The training of the classifier takes a few seconds (after loading the pre-trained model) and the output is shown below. Since this is a very simple dataset the accuracy is very good.

Number of classes: 10
Number of images: 50
Loading feature extraction model
Model filename: /home/david/models/model-20170216-091149.pb
Calculating features for images
Training classifier
Saved classifier model to file "/home/david/models/my_classifier.pkl"

This is how the directory containing the test set is organized:

├── Ariel_Sharon
│   ├── Ariel_Sharon_0006.png
│   ├── Ariel_Sharon_0007.png
│   ├── Ariel_Sharon_0008.png
│   ├── Ariel_Sharon_0009.png
│   └── Ariel_Sharon_0010.png
├── Arnold_Schwarzenegger
│   ├── Arnold_Schwarzenegger_0006.png
│   ├── Arnold_Schwarzenegger_0007.png
│   ├── Arnold_Schwarzenegger_0008.png
│   ├── Arnold_Schwarzenegger_0009.png
│   └── Arnold_Schwarzenegger_0010.png
├── Colin_Powell
│   ├── Colin_Powell_0006.png
│   ├── Colin_Powell_0007.png

Classification on the test set can be ran using:

python src/ CLASSIFY ~/datasets/my_dataset/test/ ~/models/model-20170216-091149.pb ~/models/my_classifier.pkl --batch_size 1000

Number of classes: 10
Number of images: 50
Loading feature extraction model
Model filename: /home/david/models/model-20170216-091149.pb
Calculating features for images
Testing classifier
Loaded classifier model from file "/home/david/models/my_classifier.pkl"
   0  Ariel Sharon: 0.452
   1  Ariel Sharon: 0.376
   2  Ariel Sharon: 0.426
  47  Vladimir Putin: 0.418
  48  Vladimir Putin: 0.453
  49  Vladimir Putin: 0.378
Accuracy: 1.000

This code is aimed to give some inspiration and ideas for how to use the face recognizer, but it is by no means a useful application by itself. Some additional things that could be needed for a real life application include:

  • Include face detection in a face detection and classification pipe line
  • Use a threshold for the classification probability to find unknown people instead of just using the class with the highest probability