Interface Define the shape and structure of objects or variables.
interface InterfaceUserBase {
username: string;
age: number;
Interfaces can be extended using the extends keyword to inherit properties and methods from other interfaces. Extends is used for type constraint and inheritance in TypeScript.
interface InterfaceUserProfile extends InterfaceUserBase {
followers: number;
Type Define the shape and structure of objects, variables, union, intersection, mapped.
type TypeUserBase = {
username: string;
age: number;
Type aliases (types) cannot be extended with the extends keyword but can be composed and combined using intersection (&) and union (|) operators to create more complex types.
type TypeUserProfile = TypeUserBase & { followers: number };
never type represents values that will never occur or be reached during the execution of a program.
const neverValue: never = (() => {
throw new Error("This should never happen!");
void is a type indicating the absence of a return value.
const voidMethod = () => {
console.log("Hello, world!");
const result = void voidMethod();
// Output: undefined
Array of objects can be represented as array of premitives, objects and .etc or generic type.
type TypeArray: string[] = ['string', 'string'];
type TypeArray: Array<string> = ['string', 'string'];
type TypeUserBase = {
username: string;
age: number;
type User = {
username: string,
age: number
const UserBase: Array<User> = [
username: "string",
age: 1
Index Signatures allow to write key with demand type.
type TypeArray = {
[key: number]: string;
Intersection type combine together types and create single type.
type TypeUnion = UserBase | UserProfile;
Union type describes a value that can be one of several types.
type TypeIntersection = UserBase & UserProfile;
Properties of objects and elements of arrays can be made read-only.
const UserBase = {
username: string,
age: number
} as const;
typeof is used to retrieve the type of a value or variable.
const data = [];
type DataType = typeof data;
// DataType is 'array'
Conditional types allow you to create types based on conditions. Extends is used for type constraint and inheritance in TypeScript. Evaluates to boolean if the type T is an string.
type Data<T> = T extends string ? boolean : number;
type ResultA = Data<string>;
// ResultA is boolean
type ResultB = Data<number>;
// ResultB is number
Evaluates to never if the type T[] is an empty array.
type Array<T> = T[] extends [] ? never : T[];
type ArrayCheck = Array<string>;
// ArrayCheck is string[]
type NonArrayCheck = Array<string | number>;
// NonArrayCheck is never
Indexed access in TypeScript, represented as T[K], retrieves the type of property K in object type T.
type User = {
name: string;
const user: User = {
name: "David"
type NameType = User["name"];
// NameType is string
const name: NameType = "Kern";
Mapped types in TypeScript transform or create new types based on existing types.
keyof is used to get the union of keys from an object type.
type UserBase = {
name: string;
age: number;
type UserBaseKeys = keyof UserBase;
// UserBaseKeys is "name" | "age"
k in obj in TypeScript iterates over object keys for operations or creating new types.
type Index = "a" | "b" | "c";
type FromIndex = {
[K in Index]: number
//FromIndex is {a: number;b: number;c: number;};
in keyof is a construct used to iterate over the keys of an object type. It allows you to add or define new types based on those keys.
type User = {
name: string;
age: number;
type UserInfo = {
[K in keyof Person]: string;
const person: PersonInfo = {
name: "David",
age: "30", // Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
Generic types in TypeScript allow creating reusable types parameterized by different types.
Generic type of value
interface GenericType<T> {
data: T;
Generic type of property
interface GenericDataInterface<T> {
(data: T): void;
Generic type of array value
interface GenericListInterface<T> {
listData: T[];
Generic method
const genericMethod = <T>(data: T): T => {
return data;
Extends keyof is used to constrain a generic type to specific object keys.
function getProperty<T, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K): T[K] {
return obj[key];
const User = {
name: "David",
age: 30,
const nameValue = getProperty(User, "name");
console.log(nameValue); // Output: "David"
const ageValue = getProperty(User, "age");
console.log(ageValue); // Output: 30
ReturnType extracts the return type of a function Type.
type Method = () => boolean;
type MethodReturnType = ReturnType<Method>;
// MethodReturnType is boolean
type AsyncFunc = () => Promise<number>;
type FetchDataReturnType = ReturnType<AsyncFunc>;
// FetchDataReturnType is Promise<number>
Pick utility creates a new type by selecting specific properties from a given type.
type User = {
name: string;
age: number;
data: [];
type UserInfo = Pick<User, 'name' | 'age'>;
// UserInfo is { name: string; age: number; }
Omit utility creates a new type by excluding specified properties from an existing type.
type User = {
name: string;
age: number;
data: [];
type UserInfo = Omit<User, 'data'>;
// UserInfo is { name: string; age: number; }
Awaited utility extracts the resolved type from a Promise or async function.
const fetchData = async (): Promise<string> => {
return "Hello, world!";
type ResolvedData = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof fetchData>>;
// ResolvedData is string
Partial creates a new type with all properties optional in Type.
interface User {
name: string;
email: string;
type PartialUser = Partial<User>;
const user: PartialUser = {
name: "David",
// Output: { name: "David" }
Required creates a new type with all properties required in Type.
interface User {
name?: string;
age?: number;
email?: string;
type RequiredUser = Required<User>;
const user: RequiredUser = {
name: "David",
age: 30,
email: "[email protected]",
// Output: { name: "David", age: 30, email: "[email protected]" }
Readonly creates a new type with all properties as read-only in Type.
interface User {
name: string;
age: number;
type ReadonlyUser = Readonly<User>;
const user: ReadonlyUser = {
name: "David",
age: 30,
}; = "Kern"; // Error: Cannot assign to 'name' because it is a read-only property
// Output: { name: "David", age: 30 }
InstanceType utility extracts the instance type from a constructor function.
class MyClass {
name: string;
type MyInstance = InstanceType<typeof MyClass>;
// MyInstance is the type representing an instance of MyClass