Geocoding does not rely on any external API.
It relies on an internal (huge) database of 165,602 coordinates corresponding to cities of more than 500 inhabitants (see Data sources
for more details).
rebar compile
rebar eunit
> erl -pa _build/default/lib/geocoding/ebin/
Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.1.8] [source] [64-bit] [smp:12:12] [ds:12:12:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]
Eshell V11.1.8 (abort with ^G)
1> application:start(geocoding).
2> geocoding:reverse(48.857929, 2.346707).
3> geocoding:distance({48.857929, 2.346707}, {40.7630463, -73.973527}).
4> geocoding:lookup('FR', <<"paris">>).
returns the geoname id, continent name, country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2),
city name, distance between city center and provided coordinates.
Erlang (rebar3
{deps, [
{geocoding, "0.4.0"}}
Elixir (mix
defp deps do
{:geocoding, "~> 0.4.0"}
An escript allows to rebuild your cities.txt
data from geonames. It will fetch the last version of
, unzip it, filter out city with too low population, and build continent name. It will generate a
file. Existing citiers.txt
will not be erased.
> ./scripts/cities_builder.escript
If you want to replace your cities.txt
, add --replace
parameter. Old cities.txt
will be renamed to cities.txt.old
> ./scripts/cities_builder.escript --replace
Reverse geocoding is done thanks to a k-d tree algorithm. We use Martin F. Krafft implementation. Original source code is here: . It is embeded in an erlang driver.
From latitude/longitude coordinates, geocoding finds the nearest point in our locations database. Associated data are returned, as well as a distance between provided coordinates and real coordinates. Since reverse geocoding relies only on coordinates, strange behaviour may occured when a big city is near a small one: a point inside the big city and near its border may be associated to the small city because the small city coordinates will be nearest than the big city coordinates.
All locations data come from database ( - 2024-12-05):
- Locations without population have been excluded.
- PPLX (section of populated places) and PPLA5 (seat of a fifth-order administrative division) have been excluded.
- Fields have been reduced to: geonameId, latitude, longitude, country code (ISO-3166), standard name. A 6th fields have been added between longitude and country code: continent. Each field is separated by a tabulation.
2988507 48.85341 2.3488 europe FR Paris
Each location is associated to one of the following continents:
- africa (africa and islands nearby like Madagascar, Canary, La Réunion...)
- antarctica (only one country)
- asia (including russian cities after Ural Mountains)
- europe (including russian cities before Ural Mountains)
- oceania (including Australia continent and pacific islands)
- north america
- south america
Missing locations may be added on request.