wrap virtually everything that can store by key to act as cache with ttl/max-age, stale-while-validate, parallel fetch protection and type-safety support
🤔 Idea and 💻 initial implementation by @kentcdodds 👏💜
npm install cachified
# yarn add cachified
import type { CacheEntry } from 'cachified';
import LRUCache from 'lru-cache';
import { cachified } from 'cachified';
// lru cache is not part of this package but a simple non-persistent cache
const lru = new LRUCache<string, CacheEntry<string>>({ max: 1000 });
const value = await cachified({
cache: lru,
key: 'cache-key-for-this-value',
async getFreshValue() {
return /* call to really complex stuff here */ 'pi';
/* Other options */
export interface CachifiedOptions<Value> {
* The key this value is cached by
* @type {string}
key: string;
* Cache implementation to use
* Must conform with signature
* - set(key: string, value: object): void
* - get(key: string): object
* - delete(key: string): void
* @type {Cache}
cache: Cache<Value>;
* This is called when no valid value is in cache for given key.
* Basically what we would do if we wouldn't use a cache.
* Can be async and must return fresh value or throw.
* @type {function(): Promise | Value}
getFreshValue: GetFreshValue<Value>;
* Time To Live; often also referred to as max age.
* Amount of milliseconds the value should stay in cache
* before we get a fresh one
* @type {number} Must be positive, can be infinite
* @defaultValue {Infinity}
ttl?: number;
* Amount of milliseconds that a value with exceeded ttl is still returned
* while a fresh value is refreshed in the background
* @type {number} Must be positive, can be infinite
* @defaultValue {0}
staleWhileRevalidate?: number;
* Called for each fresh or cached value to check if it matches the
* typescript type.
* Must return true when value is valid.
* May return false or the reason (string) why the value is invalid
* @type {function(): boolean | string}
* @defaultValue {() => true} each value is considered valid by default
checkValue?: (value: unknown) => boolean | string;
* Set true to not even try reading the currently cached value
* Will write new value to cache even when cached value is
* still valid.
* @type {boolean}
* @defaultValue {false}
forceFresh?: boolean;
* Weather of not to fall back to cache when getting a forced fresh value
* fails.
* Can also be the maximum age in milliseconds that a fallback value might
* have
* @type {boolean | number} Number must be positive, can be infinite
* @defaultValue {Infinity}
fallbackToCache?: boolean | number;
* Amount of time in milliseconds before revalidation of a stale
* cache entry is started
* @type {number} must be positive and finite
* @defaultValue {0}
staleRefreshTimeout?: number;
* A reporter receives events during the runtime of
* cachified and can be used for debugging and monitoring
* @type {(context) => (event) => void}
* @defaultValue {noop}
reporter?: CreateReporter<Value>;