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Kotlin Multiplatform MQTT client & embeddable and standalone broker


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KMQTT is a Kotlin Multiplatform MQTT 3.1.1/5.0 Client and Broker, with the objective of targeting the most possible build targets.

Client features

❌ = To Do
âś… = Supported
âž• = Work In Progress

Platform MQTT 3.1.1 MQTT 5.0 TCP TLS Websocket
JVM âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
Windows X64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
Linux X64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
Linux ARM64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
Node.js âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
iOS X64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
iOS ARM64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
iOS Simulator ARM64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
macOS X64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
macOS ARM64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
tvOS X64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
tvOS ARM64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
tvOS Simulator ARM64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
watchOS X64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
watchOS ARM32 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
watchOS ARM64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
watchOS Simulator ARM64 âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…

Broker features

❌ = To Do
âś… = Supported
âž• = Work In Progress

Platform MQTT 3.1.1 MQTT 5.0 TCP TLS Websocket Clustering
JVM âś… âś… âś… âś… âś… âž•
Windows X64 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ❌
Linux X64 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ❌
Linux ARM64 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ❌
Node.js ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ❌
macOS X64 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ❌
macOS ARM64 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ❌

Getting Started with the client



If you are getting an error saying that OpenSSL hasn't been found, please copy the correct file from in your project's main directory.

Kotlin Multiplatform plugin

On the Kotlin Multiplatform plugin you only need to require the dependency on the common source set and the platform specific parts will be automatically imported.

repositories {

kotlin {

    sourceSets {
        commonMain {
            dependencies {
Single platform project
repositories {
dependencies {

Replace jvm with js, linuxx64, linuxarm64, mingwx64, macosx64, macosarm64, iosarm64, iosX64, iossimulatorarm64, tvossimulatorarm64, tvosx64, tvosarm64, watchosarm32, watchosarm64, watchosx64, watchossimulatorarm64 based on the desired target.

Quick start code example

This code starts the MQTT client on port 1883 without TLS encryption. You can play with MQTTClient() constructor parameters to set the various settings

fun main() {
    val client = MQTTClient(
    ) {
    client.subscribe(listOf(Subscription("/randomTopic", SubscriptionOptions(Qos.EXACTLY_ONCE))))
    client.publish(false, Qos.EXACTLY_ONCE, "/randomTopic", "hello".encodeToByteArray().toUByteArray()) // Blocking method, use step() if you don't want to block the thread

TLS code example

The certificates and key must be in PEM format, and they can be either a path to the PEM file or the actual PEM string. The password can be null if the private key has no protection.

fun main() {
    val client = MQTTClient(
            serverCertificate = "",
    ) {
    client.subscribe(listOf(Subscription("/randomTopic", SubscriptionOptions(Qos.EXACTLY_ONCE))))
    client.publish(false, Qos.EXACTLY_ONCE, "/randomTopic", "hello".encodeToByteArray().toUByteArray()) // Blocking method, use step() if you don't want to block the thread

Getting Started with the broker


You can download the executables for your platform under the release tab

Program Arguments

Argument Default Value Description
-h Interface address to bind the server to
-p 1883 Server port to listen to
--max-connections 128 The maximum number of TCP connections to support
--key-store null The path to the PKCS12 keystore containing the private key and the certificate for TLS, if null TLS is disabled
--key-store-psw null The password of the PKCS12 keystore indicated in --key-store, if the keystore has no password set, don't set the option
--wsp null The WebSocket port to listen to



If you are getting an error saying that OpenSSL hasn't been found, please copy the correct file from in your project's main directory.

Kotlin Multiplatform plugin

On the Kotlin Multiplatform plugin you only need to require the dependency on the common source set and the platform specific parts will be automatically imported.

repositories {

kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        commonMain {
            dependencies {
Single platform project
repositories {
dependencies {

Replace jvm with js, linuxx64, linuxarm64, macosarm64, macosx64, mingwx64 based on the desired target.

Quick start code example

This code starts the MQTT broker on port 1883 without TLS encryption. You can play with Broker() constructor parameters to set the various settings

fun main() {

TLS code example

The keystore must be in PKCS12 format, the keystore password can be null

fun main() {
    val broker = Broker(
        tlsSettings = TLSSettings(keyStoreFilePath = "keyStore.p12", keyStorePassword = "password"),
        port = 8883

Authentication code example

fun main() {
    val broker = Broker(authentication = object : Authentication {
        override fun authenticate(clientId: String, username: String?, password: UByteArray?): Boolean {
            // TODO Implement your authentication method    
            return username == "user" && password?.toByteArray()?.decodeToString() == "pass"
    broker.listen() // Blocking method, use step() if you don't want to block the thread

Authorization code example

fun main() {
    val broker = Broker(authorization = object : Authorization {
        override fun authorize(
            clientId: String,
            username: String?,
            password: UByteArray?, // != null only if savePassword set to true in the broker constructor
            topicName: String,
            isSubscription: Boolean,
            payload: UByteArray?
        ): Boolean {
            // TODO Implement your authorization method    
            return topicName == "$clientId/topic"
    broker.listen() // Blocking method, use step() if you don't want to block the thread

Message interceptor code example

fun main() {
    val broker = Broker(packetInterceptor = object : PacketInterceptor {
        override fun packetReceived(clientId: String, username: String?, password: UByteArray?, packet: MQTTPacket) {
            when (packet) {
                is MQTTConnect -> println(packet.protocolName)
                is MQTTPublish -> println(packet.topicName)
    broker.listen() // Blocking method, use step() if you don't want to block the thread

Internal publish code example

fun main() {
    val broker = Broker()
        retain = false,
        topicName = "test/",
        qos = Qos.AT_MOST_ONCE,
        properties = MQTTProperties(),
    broker.listen() // Blocking method, use step() if you don't want to block the thread

Other advanced functionality

MQTT5 Enhanced Authentication: set the enhancedAuthenticationProviders Broker constructor parameter, implementing the provider interface EnhancedAuthenticationProvider.

Session persistence: set the persistence Broker constructor parameter, implementing Persistence interface.

Bytes metrics: set the bytesMetrics Broker constructor parameter, implementing BytesMetrics interface.