A theme for Active Admin using Blaze CSS
- CSS only theme with clean UI
- compact nested forms
- customizable: colors, sidebar position, scroll on cells
- custom boolean input: toggle
- Blaze CSS widgets
- Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'activeadmin_blaze_theme'
Execute bundle
Add at the end of your ActiveAdmin styles (app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss):
@import "activeadmin_blaze_theme/theme";
- To change colors add before your ActiveAdmin styles (app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss):
// blaze colors
$color-brand: #2C3E50;
$color-info: #4dabf5;
$color-warning: #ff9800;
$color-success: #4caf50;
$color-error: #f44336;
// main variables
$bg-footer: #dfdfdf !default; // bg footer bar
$bg-form1: #f4f4f4 !default; // bg 1st level forms
$bg-form2: darken($bg-form1, 3%) !default; // bg 2nd level forms (nested)
$bg-form3: darken($bg-form1, 6%) !default; // bg 3rd level forms (nested)
$bg-form4: darken($bg-form1, 9%) !default; // bg 4th level forms (nested)
$bg-form-sub-headings: lighten( $color-brand, 64% ) !default; // bg nested forms title
$bg-header: $color-brand !default; // bg header bar
$bg-inputs: #fff !default; // bg forms inputs
$bg-menu-active: #7b929e !default; // bg menu item current / hover
$bg-sidebar: #efefef; // bg sidebar
$fg-box-title: #fff !default;
$fg-button-link: #fff !default;
$fg-menu-items: #f8f8f8 !default;
$fg-table-borders: #e4e4e4 !default;
$fg-table-link: #eee !default;
// other variables
$form-padding: 10px !default;
$inputs-spacing: 10px !default;
$height-inputs: 26px !default;
$height-topbar: 40px !default;
$height-titlebar: 38px !default;
$text-shadow: #000 !default;
- To move sidebar on the left add to your ActiveAdmin styles (after blaze theme import):
#active_admin_content.with_sidebar {
@extend .sidebar_left;
- More options:
// scrollable table cells
.index_content table {
@extend .scoll_cells;
In form \ inputs block:
f.input :boolean, as: :blaze_toggle
To change toggle color:
f.input :boolean, as: :blaze_toggle, input_html: { toggle_class: 'c-toggle--brand' }
Available: c-toggle--brand, c-toggle--info, c-toggle--warning, c-toggle--success, c-toggle--error
See components avaible in Blaze CSS docs.
Badge example:
f.input :price, label: raw( 'Price <span class="c-badge c-badge--warning" style="position: relative; top: -5px">in $</span>' )
Button example:
a 'clear form', href: '#', class: 'c-button c-button--error', onclick: 'event.preventDefault();document.forms[0].reset();'
Progress bar example:
div class: 'c-progress' do
div class: 'c-progress__bar c-progress__bar--success', style: "width: #{f.object.a_field}%;"
Show - sidebar on the left:
- Mattia Roccoberton - creator, maintainer