Run a carton app in a perlbrew perl as a runit service.
The carton cookbook depends on the 'perlbrew' and 'runit' cookbooks.
It is tested with those dependencies from the Chef Supermarket.
node['carton']['perlbrew'] = 'perl-5.14.2'
- Sets default perl for carton apps if not specified by user
Loads the 'perlbrew' and 'runit' recipes to ensure those LWRPs are ready for use. This must be loaded before using the 'carton_app' LWRP.
This LWRP sets up a carton application as a runit service and passes through runit commands to start/stop or otherwise control the service.
carton_app "hello-world" do
perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version']
command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi"
cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir']
user node['hello-world']['user']
group node['hello-world']['group']
carton_app "hello-world" do
action :start
This installs all dependencies of a carton app in a deployment directory using a particular perl, sets up a runit service using the given command, and starts the service.
- :enable - ensure carton dependencies are installed and set up the runit service (default action)
- :disable - disables the runit service
- :start - start the service
- :stop - stop the service
- :restart - restart the service
- :perlbrew - name of a perlbrew perl to use to run the application. This will be installed using the perlbrew LWRP if not already availble
- :command - shell command to launch the application. This must launch the application in the foreground; runit will ensure it is properly daemonized
- :cwd - directory containing the application. The service will also be launched in this directory (via "carton exec -I lib -- $command").
- :user - user under which the service will run
- :group - group under which the service will run
- :environment - a hash of environment variables that will be set prior to running the service
If you wish to use the LWRP, be sure to include the carton
recipe, which
ensures that carton is ready for use.