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This repo contains all the code for the computer version of AnkiCode.
- New card "Programming Challenge" allows to memorize programming solutions using Anki algorithm.
- Support of
languages. - Code execution runtime is bundled inside the app, the code is executed locally.
- Integrated code editor with syntax highlighting and theme selection.
Platform | Language | Link | Size |
Windows 10/11 |
Python, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin | AnkiCode-1.3.0-windows-qt6.exe | 1.02 GB |
Mac OS Intel |
Python, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin | AnkiCode-1.3.0-mac-intel-qt6.dmg | 383 MB |
Mac OS ARM |
Python, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin | AnkiCode-1.3.0-mac-apple-qt6.dmg | 485 MB |
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Decks based on LeetCode problems
Name | Count | Link | Size |
Easy | 50 | easy.apkg | 31 KB |
Medium | 114 | medium.apkg | 103 KB |
Hard | 44 | hard.apkg | 51 KB |
Click to Expand/Collapse
# | Name | Complexity | Tags |
1 | ZigZag Conversion | Easy | String |
2 | Reverse Integer | Easy | Math |
3 | Palindrome Number | Easy | Math |
4 | Roman to Integer | Easy | Math String |
5 | Longest Common Prefix | Easy | String |
6 | Remove Nth Node From End of List | Easy | Linked List Two Pointers |
7 | Valid Parentheses | Easy | Stack String |
8 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Easy | Linked List |
9 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | Easy | Array Two Pointers |
10 | Remove Element | Easy | Array Two Pointers |
11 | Implement strStr() | Easy | Two Pointers String |
12 | Valid Sudoku | Easy | Hash Table |
13 | Count and Say | Easy | String |
14 | Length of Last Word | Easy | String |
15 | Plus One | Easy | Array Math |
16 | Add Binary | Easy | Math String |
17 | Climbing Stairs | Easy | Dynamic Programming |
18 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | Easy | Linked List |
19 | Merge Sorted Array | Easy | Array Two Pointers |
20 | Same Tree | Easy | Tree Depth-first Search |
21 | Symmetric Tree | Easy | Tree Depth-first Search |
22 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Easy | Tree Breadth-first Search |
23 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Easy | Tree Depth-first Search |
24 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II | Easy | Tree Breadth-first Search |
25 | Balanced Binary Tree | Easy | Tree Depth-first Search |
26 | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree | Easy | Tree Depth-first Search Breadth-first Search |
27 | Path Sum | Easy | Tree Depth-first Search |
28 | Pascal's Triangle | Easy | Array |
29 | Pascal's Triangle II | Easy | Array |
30 | Valid Palindrome | Easy | Two Pointers String |
31 | Intersection of Two Linked Lists | Easy | Linked List |
32 | Compare Version Numbers | Easy | String |
33 | Excel Sheet Column Title | Easy | Math |
34 | Excel Sheet Column Number | Easy | Math |
35 | Factorial Trailing Zeroes | Easy | Math |
36 | Rotate Array | Easy | Array |
37 | Remove Linked List Elements | Easy | Linked List |
38 | Count Primes | Easy | Hash Table Math |
39 | Reverse Linked List | Easy | Linked List |
40 | Contains Duplicate | Easy | Array Hash Table |
41 | Contains Duplicate II | Easy | Array Hash Table |
42 | Rectangle Area | Easy | Math |
43 | Summary Ranges | Easy | Array |
44 | Power of Two | Easy | Math Bit Manipulation |
45 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | Easy | Tree |
46 | Valid Anagram | Easy | Hash Table Sort |
47 | Strobogrammatic Number | Easy | Hash Table Math |
48 | Meeting Rooms | Easy | Sort |
49 | First Bad Version | Easy | Binary Search |
50 | Move Zeroes | Easy | Array Two Pointers |
51 | Two Sum | Medium | Array Hash Table |
52 | Add Two Numbers | Medium | Linked List Math |
53 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Medium | Hash Table Two Pointers String |
54 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Medium | String |
55 | Container With Most Water | Medium | Array Two Pointers |
56 | Integer to Roman | Medium | Math String |
57 | 3Sum | Medium | Array Two Pointers |
58 | 3Sum Closest | Medium | Array Two Pointers |
59 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Medium | Backtracking String |
60 | 4Sum | Medium | Array Hash Table Two Pointers |
61 | Generate Parentheses | Medium | Backtracking String |
62 | Swap Nodes in Pairs | Medium | Linked List |
63 | Divide Two Integers | Medium | Math Binary Search |
64 | Next Permutation | Medium | Array |
65 | Search for a Range | Medium | Array Binary Search |
66 | Search Insert Position | Medium | Array Binary Search |
67 | Combination Sum | Medium | Array Backtracking |
68 | Combination Sum II | Medium | Array Backtracking |
69 | Multiply Strings | Medium | Math String |
70 | Permutations | Medium | Backtracking |
71 | Rotate Image | Medium | Array |
72 | Group Anagrams | Medium | Hash Table String |
73 | Pow(x, n) | Medium | Math Binary Search |
74 | Maximum Subarray | Medium | Divide and Conquer Array Dynamic Programming |
75 | Spiral Matrix | Medium | Array |
76 | Jump Game | Medium | Array Greedy |
77 | Spiral Matrix II | Medium | Array |
78 | Permutation Sequence | Medium | Backtracking Math |
79 | Rotate List | Medium | Linked List Two Pointers |
80 | Unique Paths | Medium | Array Dynamic Programming |
81 | Unique Paths II | Medium | Array Dynamic Programming |
82 | Minimum Path Sum | Medium | Array Dynamic Programming |
83 | Sqrt(x) | Medium | Math Binary Search |
84 | Simplify Path | Medium | Stack String |
85 | Set Matrix Zeroes | Medium | Array |
86 | Search a 2D Matrix | Medium | Array Binary Search |
87 | Sort Colors | Medium | Array Two Pointers Sort |
88 | Combinations | Medium | Backtracking |
89 | Subsets | Medium | Array Backtracking Bit Manipulation |
90 | Word Search | Medium | Array Backtracking |
91 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II | Medium | Array Two Pointers |
92 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array II | Medium | Array Binary Search |
93 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II | Medium | Linked List |
94 | Partition List | Medium | Linked List Two Pointers |
95 | Gray Code | Medium | Backtracking |
96 | Subsets II | Medium | Array Backtracking |
97 | Decode Ways | Medium | Dynamic Programming String |
98 | Reverse Linked List II | Medium | Linked List |
99 | Restore IP Addresses | Medium | Backtracking String |
100 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Medium | Tree Hash Table Stack |
101 | Unique Binary Search Trees II | Medium | Tree Dynamic Programming |
102 | Unique Binary Search Trees | Medium | Tree Dynamic Programming |
103 | Validate Binary Search Tree | Medium | Tree Depth-first Search |
104 | Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal | Medium | Tree Breadth-first Search Stack |
105 | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | Medium | Tree Array Depth-first Search |
106 | Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal | Medium | Tree Array Depth-first Search |
107 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree | Medium | Tree Depth-first Search |
108 | Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree | Medium | Depth-first Search Linked List |
109 | Path Sum II | Medium | Tree Depth-first Search |
110 | Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List | Medium | Tree Depth-first Search |
111 | Triangle | Medium | Array Dynamic Programming |
112 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Medium | Array Dynamic Programming |
113 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Medium | Array Greedy |
114 | Word Ladder | Medium | Breadth-first Search |
115 | Sum Root to Leaf Numbers | Medium | Tree Depth-first Search |
116 | Surrounded Regions | Medium | Breadth-first Search |
117 | Palindrome Partitioning | Medium | Backtracking |
118 | Single Number | Medium | Hash Table Bit Manipulation |
119 | Word Break | Medium | Dynamic Programming |
120 | Linked List Cycle | Medium | Linked List Two Pointers |
121 | Linked List Cycle II | Medium | Linked List Two Pointers |
122 | Reorder List | Medium | Linked List |
123 | Binary Tree Preorder Traversal | Medium | Tree Stack |
124 | Insertion Sort List | Medium | Linked List Sort |
125 | Sort List | Medium | Linked List Sort |
126 | Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | Medium | Stack |
127 | Reverse Words in a String | Medium | String |
128 | Maximum Product Subarray | Medium | Array Dynamic Programming |
129 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | Medium | Array Binary Search |
130 | Longest Substring with at most Two Distinct Characters | Medium | String |
131 | One Edit Distance | Medium | String |
132 | Find Peak Element | Medium | Array Binary Search |
133 | Missing Ranges | Medium | Array |
134 | Fraction to Recurring Decimal | Medium | Hash Table Math |
135 | Binary Search Tree Iterator | Medium | Tree Stack |
136 | Largest Number | Medium | Sort |
137 | Reverse words in a string II | Medium | Array |
138 | Binary Tree Right Side View | Medium | Tree Depth-first Search Breadth-first Search |
139 | Number of Islands | Medium | Depth-first Search Breadth-first Search |
140 | Course Schedule | Medium | Depth-first Search Breadth-first Search Graph Topological Sort |
141 | Minimum Size Subarray Sum | Medium | Array Two Pointers Binary Search |
142 | Course Schedule II | Medium | Depth-first Search Breadth-first Search Graph Topological Sort |
143 | House Robber II | Medium | Dynamic Programming |
144 | Kth Largest Element in an Array | Medium | Divide and Conquer Heap |
145 | Combination Sum III | Medium | Array Backtracking |
146 | Contains Duplicate III | Medium | Binary Search Tree |
147 | Maximal Square | Medium | Dynamic Programming |
148 | Basic Calculator | Medium | Stack Math |
149 | Majority Element II | Medium | Array |
150 | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Medium | Tree Binary Search |
151 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | Medium | Tree |
152 | Product of Array Except Self | Medium | Array |
153 | Search a 2D Matrix II | Medium | Divide and Conquer Binary Search |
154 | Flatten2DVector | Medium | Design |
155 | Meeting Rooms II | Medium | Heap Greedy Sort |
156 | Paint House | Medium | Dynamic Programming |
157 | Graph Valid Tree | Medium | Breadth-first Search Depth-first Search Graph Union-Find |
158 | Missing Number | Medium | Array Math Bit Manipulation |
159 | Integer to English Words | Medium | Math String |
160 | H-Index | Medium | Hash Table Sort |
161 | H-Index II | Medium | Binary Search |
162 | Paint Fence | Medium | Dynamic Programming |
163 | Peeking Iterator | Medium | Design |
164 | Inorder Successor in BST | Medium | Tree |
165 | Walls And Gates | Medium | BFS |
166 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Hard | Divide and Conquer Array Binary Search |
167 | Regular Expression Matching | Hard | Dynamic Programming Backtracking String |
168 | Merge k Sorted Lists | Hard | Divide and Conquer Linked List Heap |
169 | Substring with Concatenation of All Words | Hard | Hash Table Two Pointers String |
170 | Longest Valid Parentheses | Hard | Dynamic Programming String |
171 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Hard | Array Binary Search |
172 | Sudoku Solver | Hard | Backtracking Hash Table |
173 | First Missing Positive | Hard | Array |
174 | Trapping Rain Water | Hard | Array Stack Two Pointers |
175 | Wildcard Matching | Hard | Dynamic Programming Backtracking Greedy String |
176 | Jump Game II | Hard | Array Greedy |
177 | Permutations II | Hard | Backtracking |
178 | N-Queens | Hard | Backtracking |
179 | N-Queens II | Hard | Backtracking |
180 | Merge Intervals | Hard | Array Sort |
181 | Insert Interval | Hard | Array Sort |
182 | Valid Number | Hard | Math String |
183 | Text Justification | Hard | String |
184 | Edit Distance | Hard | Dynamic Programming String |
185 | Minimum Window Substring | Hard | Hash Table Two Pointers String |
186 | Largest Rectangle in Histogram | Hard | Array Stack |
187 | Maximal Rectangle | Hard | Array Hash Table Stack Dynamic Programming |
188 | Scramble String | Hard | Dynamic Programming String |
189 | Interleaving String | Hard | Dynamic Programming String |
190 | Recover Binary Search Tree | Hard | Tree Depth-first Search |
191 | Distinct Subsequences | Hard | Dynamic Programming String |
192 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III | Hard | Array Dynamic Programming |
193 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | Hard | Tree Depth-first Search |
194 | Word Ladder II | Hard | Array Backtracking Breadth-first Search String |
195 | Longest Consecutive Sequence | Hard | Array |
196 | Palindrome Partitioning II | Hard | Dynamic Programming |
197 | Candy | Hard | Greedy |
198 | Word Break II | Hard | Dynamic Programming Backtracking |
199 | Binary Tree Postorder Traversal | Hard | Tree Stack |
200 | Max Points on a Line | Hard | Hash Table Math |
201 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II | Hard | Array Binary Search |
202 | Maximum Gap | Hard | Sort |
203 | Dungeon Game | Hard | Dynamic Programming Binary Search |
204 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV | Hard | Dynamic Programming |
205 | Word Search II | Hard | Backtracking Trie |
206 | The Skyline Problem | Hard | Divide and Conquer Heap |
207 | Sliding Window Maximum | Hard | Heap |
208 | Paint House | Hard | Dynamic Programming |
209 | Alien Dictionary | Hard | Graph Topological Sort |
Decks based on the book "Elements of Programming Interviews" by Adnan Aziz, Tsung-Hsien Lee, Amin Prakash.
Name | Count | Link | Size |
Arrays | 27 | arrays.apkg | 3.36 MB |
Binary Search Trees | 13 | binary_search_trees.apkg | 7.03 MB |
Binary Trees | 16 | binary_trees.apkg | 6.85 MB |
Dynamic Programming | 18 | dynamic_programming.apkg | 745 KB |
Graphs | 12 | graphs.apkg | 2.21 MB |
Greedy Algorithms | 7 | greedy_algorithms.apkg | 862 KB |
Hash Tables | 12 | hash_tables.apkg | 2.06 MB |
Heaps | 7 | heaps.apkg | 1.77 MB |
Linked Lists | 15 | linked_lists.apkg | 5.7 MB |
Primitive Types | 11 | primitive_types.apkg | 1.2 MB |
Recursion | 13 | recursion.apkg | 567 KB |
Searching | 16 | searching.apkg | 2.98 MB |
Sorting | 12 | sorting.apkg | 1.28 MB |
Stacks & Queues | 7 | stacks_and_queues.apkg | 839 KB |
Strings | 18 | strings.apkg | 1.31 MB |
Click to Expand/Collapse
# | Name | Tags |
1 | Jumping game. | Arrays |
2 | Alternating Array | Arrays |
3 | Apply Permutation. | Arrays |
4 | Stock Buy Sell to Maximize Profit. | Arrays |
5 | Stock Buy Sell K Times to Maximize Profit. | Arrays |
6 | Stock Buy Sell Twice to Maximize Profit. | Arrays |
7 | The Dutch National Flag Problem | Arrays |
8 | Even odd array | Arrays |
9 | Increment an arbitrary-precision integer | Arrays |
10 | Multiply two arbitrary-precision integers | Arrays |
11 | The Sudoku checker problem | Arrays |
12 | Compute the longest contiguous increasing subarray | Arrays |
13 | Find the longest subarray whose sum <= k | Arrays |
14 | Rotate a 2D array | Arrays |
15 | Compute the maximum product of all entries but one | Arrays |
16 | Find the maximum square 2D subarray | Arrays |
17 | Find the maximum 2D subarray | Arrays |
18 | Trapping water | Arrays |
19 | Compute the maximum subarray sum in a circular array | Arrays |
20 | Compute the next permutation | Arrays |
21 | Compute rows in Pascal's Triangle | Arrays |
22 | Enumerate all primes to n | Arrays |
23 | Identify positions attacked by rooks | Arrays |
24 | Rotate an array | Arrays |
25 | Smallest nonconstructible value | Arrays |
26 | Delete duplicates from a sorted array | Arrays |
27 | Compute the spiral ordering of a 2D array | Arrays |
28 | Square Root Range. | Binary search trees |
29 | Reconstruct a BST from traversal data | Binary search trees |
30 | Build a minimum height bst from a sorted array | Binary search trees |
31 | Merge two BSTs | Binary search trees |
32 | Convert a BST to a sorted doubly linked list | Binary search trees |
33 | Test if three BST nodes are totally ordered | Binary search trees |
34 | Test if a binary tree satisfies the BST property | Binary search trees |
35 | Find the k largest elements in a BST | Binary search trees |
36 | Compute the LCA in a BST | Binary search trees |
37 | Find the closest entries in three sorted arrays | Binary search trees |
38 | The range lookup problem | Binary search trees |
39 | Find the first key greater than a given value in a BST | Binary search trees |
40 | Search a sorted array for first occurrence of k | Binary search trees |
41 | Compute the k-th node in an inorder traversal | Binary trees |
42 | Test if a binary tree is height-balanced | Binary trees |
43 | Test if a binary tree is symmetric | Binary trees |
44 | Compute the kth node in an inorder traversal | Binary trees |
45 | Compute the lowest common ancestor in a binary tree | Binary trees |
46 | Find a root to leaf path with specified sum | Binary trees |
47 | Compute the successor | Binary trees |
48 | Sum the root-to-leaf paths in a binary tree | Binary trees |
49 | Form a linked list from the leaves of a binary tree | Binary trees |
50 | Compute the exterior of a binary tree | Binary trees |
51 | Reconstruct a binary tree from traversal data | Binary trees |
52 | Implement an inorder traversal without recursion | Binary trees |
53 | Implement a postorder traversal without recursion | Binary trees |
54 | Implement a preorder traversal without recursion | Binary trees |
55 | Compute the right sibling tree | Binary trees |
56 | Implement an inorder traversal with O(1) space | Binary trees |
57 | Binomial Coefficients. | Dynamic programming |
58 | Checkerboard problem | Dynamic programming |
59 | Drawing the Skyline | Dynamic programming |
60 | fibonacci | Dynamic programming |
61 | The problem | Dynamic programming |
62 | Search for a sequence in a 2D array | Dynamic programming |
63 | The knapsack problem | Dynamic programming |
64 | Compute the Levenshtein distance | Dynamic programming |
65 | Find the longest nondecreasing subsequence | Dynamic programming |
66 | Matrix Chain Multiplication | Dynamic programming |
67 | Bootcamp: Dynamic Programming | Dynamic programming |
68 | Find the minimum weight path in a triangle | Dynamic programming |
69 | Count the number of score combinations | Dynamic programming |
70 | Count the number of ways to traverse a 2D array | Dynamic programming |
71 | Count the number of moves to climb stairs | Dynamic programming |
72 | Pick up coins for maximum gain | Dynamic programming |
73 | The pretty printing problem | Dynamic programming |
74 | Count of balanced 0–1 matrices | Dynamic programming |
75 | Arbitrage. | Graphs |
76 | Deadlock Detection | Graphs |
77 | Find all paths in a graph using Breadth First Search | Graphs |
78 | Making wired connections | Graphs |
79 | Compute enclosed regions | Graphs |
80 | Team photo day - 2 | Graphs |
81 | Paint a Boolean matrix | Graphs |
82 | Road network | Graphs |
83 | Kosaraju's algorithm | Graphs |
84 | Search a maze | Graphs |
85 | Transform one string to another | Graphs |
86 | Topological Sorting | Graphs |
87 | Synthesize an Expression | Greedy algorithms |
88 | Compute the largest rectangle under the skyline | Greedy algorithms |
89 | Find the majority element | Greedy algorithms |
90 | Compute the maximum water trapped by a pair of vertical lines | Greedy algorithms |
91 | The interval covering problem | Greedy algorithms |
92 | Schedule to minimize waiting time | Greedy algorithms |
93 | Compute an optimum assignment of tasks | Greedy algorithms |
94 | The 3-sum problem | Greedy algorithms |
95 | The interval covering problem | Greedy algorithms |
96 | Anagrams. | Hash tables |
97 | Collatz Conjecture. | Hash tables |
98 | Is an anonymous letter constructible? | Hash tables |
99 | Test for palindromic permutations | Hash tables |
100 | Find the line through the most points | Hash tables |
101 | Find the length of a longest contained interval | Hash tables |
102 | Find the longest subarray with distinct entries | Hash tables |
103 | Find the nearest repeated entries in an array | Hash tables |
104 | The heavy hitter problem | Hash tables |
105 | Find smallest subarray sequentially covering all values | Hash tables |
106 | Find the smallest subarray covering all values | Hash tables |
107 | Compute all string decompositions | Hash tables |
108 | Reward Distribution. | Heaps |
109 | Compute the k closest stars | Heaps |
110 | Compute the k largest elements in a max-heap | Heaps |
111 | Compute the median of online data | Heaps |
112 | Sort an almost-sorted array | Heaps |
113 | Sort an increasing-decreasing array | Heaps |
114 | Merge two sorted arrays | Heaps |
115 | Delete a node after index i in a linked-list | Linked lists |
116 | Remove the Kth last element from a list | Linked lists |
117 | Delete a node from a singly linked list | Linked lists |
118 | Test for overlapping lists. Lists are cycle-free. | Linked lists |
119 | Implement even-odd merge | Linked lists |
120 | Insert a node into a linked-list | Linked lists |
121 | Add list-based integers | Linked lists |
122 | Test for cyclicity | Linked lists |
123 | Test whether a singly linked list is palindromic | Linked lists |
124 | Implement cyclic right shift for singly linked lists | Linked lists |
125 | Remove duplicates from a sorted list | Linked lists |
126 | Reverse a single sublist | Linked lists |
127 | Bootcamp: Linked Lists | Linked lists |
128 | Merge two sorted lists | Linked lists |
129 | Implement list zipping | Linked lists |
130 | Find the closest integer with same weight. | Primitive types |
131 | Count Set Bits. | Primitive types |
132 | Check if a decimal integer is a palindrome | Primitive types |
133 | Computing the parity of a word | Primitive types |
134 | Compute x^y | Primitive types |
135 | Compute x/y | Primitive types |
136 | Compute x * y without arithmetical operators | Primitive types |
137 | Rectangle intersection | Primitive types |
138 | Reverse bits | Primitive types |
139 | Reverse digits | Primitive types |
140 | Swap bits | Primitive types |
141 | Generate all subsets of size k. | Recursion |
142 | Defective Jugs | Recursion |
143 | Generate strings of matched parens | Recursion |
144 | Generate palindromic decompositions | Recursion |
145 | Generate binary trees | Recursion |
146 | Equal subset sum partition | Recursion |
147 | Greatest common divisor | Recursion |
148 | Compute a Gray code | Recursion |
149 | The Towers of Hanoi problem | Recursion |
150 | Determine the critical height | Recursion |
151 | Generate all nonattacking placements of n-Queens | Recursion |
152 | Generate permutations | Recursion |
153 | Generate the power set | Recursion |
154 | Missing IP Address. | Searching |
155 | Binary Search | Searching |
156 | Find an element that appears only once | Searching |
157 | Find the duplicate and missing elements | Searching |
158 | Find the first missing positive entry | Searching |
159 | H-Index | Searching |
160 | Find first and last positions in array | Searching |
161 | Compute the integer square root | Searching |
162 | Find the kth largest element - large n, small k | Searching |
163 | Search in two sorted arrays | Searching |
164 | Find the kth largest element | Searching |
165 | Compute the real square root | Searching |
166 | Find the min and max simultaneously | Searching |
167 | Search in a 2D sorted array | Searching |
168 | Search a cyclically sorted array | Searching |
169 | Search a sorted array of unknown length | Searching |
170 | Bubble sort | Sorting |
171 | Calendar Rendering. | Sorting |
172 | Count Inversions | Sorting |
173 | Compute a salary threshold | Sorting |
174 | Heap sort | Sorting |
175 | Insertion sort | Sorting |
176 | Compute the intersection of two sorted arrays | Sorting |
177 | Merging intervals | Sorting |
178 | Compute the union of intervals | Sorting |
179 | Find K-th largest element in int array | Sorting |
180 | Remove first-name duplicates | Sorting |
181 | Implement a fast sorting algorithm for lists | Sorting |
182 | Merge two sorted arrays | Sorting |
183 | Normalize Pathnames | Stacks and queues |
184 | Evaluate RPN expressions | Stacks and queues |
185 | Test a string over {},(),[] for well-formedness | Stacks and queues |
186 | Compute the longest substring with matching parens | Stacks and queues |
187 | Compute the maximum of a sliding window | Stacks and queues |
188 | Compute buildings with a sunset view | Stacks and queues |
189 | Compute binary tree nodes in order of increasing depth | Stacks and queues |
190 | Number Base Convertion. | Strings |
191 | Implement Huffman coding | Strings |
192 | Test palindromicity | Strings |
193 | Justify text | Strings |
194 | Longest common substring | Strings |
195 | The look-and-say problem | Strings |
196 | Least String Rotation | Strings |
197 | Compute all mnemonics for a phone number | Strings |
198 | Search pattern in a string | Strings |
199 | Implement regular expression matching | Strings |
200 | Replace and remove | Strings |
201 | Reverse all the words in a sentence | Strings |
202 | Convert from Roman to decimal | Strings |
203 | Implement run-length encoding | Strings |
204 | Write a string sinusoidally | Strings |
205 | Compute the spreadsheet column encoding | Strings |
206 | Find the first occurrence of a substring | Strings |
207 | Compute all valid IP addresses | Strings |
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