Welcome to Dave Follett's Advent of Code Solutions.
My 2023 Advent of Code solutions are implemented using an Express application. Use the following steps to setup and run the application:
cd 2023/javascript
npm ci
npm start
Navigate a browser to: http://localhost:8080
My 2022 Advent of Code solutions are implemented using an Express application. Use the following steps to setup and run the application:
cd 2022/javascript
npm ci
npm start
Navigate a browser to: http://localhost:8080
My 2021 Advent of Code solutions are implemented using Rust. Use the following steps to setup and run the application:
Install and setup Rust if you have not already. Instructions can be found here
Change directory to 2021.
cd 2021/
Build and run the application.
cargo run
My 2019 Advent of Code solutions are implemented using a node + express application. Use the following steps to setup and run the application:
- cd 2019/
- npm install
- npm start
- Navigate a browser to: http://localhost:8080
The solutions can also be viewed running live: