Various Python data analysis examples used in my courses. All of these Jupyter Notebooks have been tested in Google Colab with a T4 GPU (although the TitanicSurvival examples [including MLJAR] do not require a GPU runtime).
For help with learning Python, see my python-bootcamp.
- In the Google Colab menu, go to File -> Open notebook
- In the dialogue that appears, click the GitHub tab
- Enter this repo as your GitHub URL, i.e.,
- Click the search icon (or hit enter)
- Select the notebook you want to open to get started (e.g., AudioCraft.ipynb)
- Note: For most examples, you will also need to change the runtime type to one with a GPU...
- In the Google Colab menu, go to Runtime -> Change runtime type
- Under 'Hardware accelator' choose at least a 'T4 GPU' (or better)
- Click the Save button
- To run the notebook, in the Google Colab menu, go to Runtime -> Run all
- If you see a 'Warning: This notebook was not authored by Google' popup, click the 'Run anyway' button
- Wait patiently, as it make take a few minutes to install the packages and run the notebook
- Note: You may see occasional error messages, particularly when installing/loading pip packages -- you can generally safely ignore these (as long as the notebook runs)